Brave new world order

A short while ago I got a call from a writer friend of mine that lives in New York, terrified that the US government was going to “disappear” him. He's been writing articles suggesting that all of these current horrors are simply a cover for a military coup of the United States. Over the past couple of days it's becoming clear that perhaps he was right.

As everyone knows by now, Bush was not legally elected. That was the first step — they've shown that the American population is perfectly willing to rally around a president that they didn't even elect. Now they're doing step two, and dissolving the democratic process altogether and converting the US to a military run police state. Be vigilant, do not let this happen!

They've readied Fort McNair for Congress's relocation. They've been detaining legitimate US politicians who have anti-war politics. They have convicted US students for supporting anti-war causes because they say it disrupts the education process. They have formed the terrifying Homeland Security agency, and now have extended the “terror alert indefinitely“. Insane new government secrecy laws are being instituted. They are refusing US media access to war information (remember the quote: “Tell them nothing till it's over, and then tell them who won“). If you really want to be shocked, watch some non-US TV for a while, and you'll see that what gets shown on CNN dramatically leaves out most of the story. (PS. That's a link to the NY Times, a membership form will pop up — it's free to register).

I'm totally unimpressed by the FBI's handling of the Anthrax case, especially its public appeals for help. The FBI has offered a one million dollar reward, and has asked people to compare handwriting on letters they get (remember the messed up Anthrax letters written in block letters?). I love the fact that the government is actually blaming the public for this — the Mayor of Balitmore said, “The FBI have 7,000 people on the job. We've got 650,000 if only they would call.” (Yeah, all those people are just hiding the information).

Even though the US population as a whole doesn't seem to know what's going on because of tight controls on media and education, this is turning the US into not only the world's most hated country, but is giving it an air of incompetence internationally. Read the international papers. I'm not talking about fringe papers, I'm talking about the mainstream papers from around the world, and you'll see a barage of stories talking about how America is losing this war badly and how no one should ever go to America if they carry a non-US passport. Endless stories about the bombing of non-military villages and idiotic “defense” plans aren't helping.

PS. Image update today.

PPS. Any time you're looking for that link to look at experiences, it's the one on the main index labelled “Work”.

PPPS. If you ever want to prove to anyone how helpful you have been, you can make a link like this on your page:
Of course you'd put your own name instead of “glider”.

Back to the mines (as in work)

Just got back from my morning business. I noticed something strane when I was picking up the TT. On the dealership's counter, they had copies of the warranties for VW and Audi. They were word-for-word identical with one difference. In the VW warranty, purchasers were referred to as customers. In the Audi warranty, they were referred to as clients. Do rich people prefer that word?

Then I went and got my tires (for you tire nerds, a full set of Pirelli Snowsports, and a set of Toyo T1-S for the summer). More excitingly though, a friend of mine that owns an offroad custom shop up there was repairing a Lamborghini LM002 owned by a Saudi Prince (Note to CIA/FBI agents reading this page: please do not arrest me for my second-hand contact with the enemy, I don't know anything about him).

As I mentioned a while back, I usually listen to classic rock radio when I'm in the car. They play stuff like Dylan, the Beatles, Steppenwolf, CCR, etc…. At the same time, the DJ's spout right-wing pro-war uneducated drivel. I find it strange that they do not see the conflict between the nonsense they're saying and the profoundly anti-war music they play. A few weeks ago I was speaking to one of the DJs from this station (I probably shouldn't name him), and he told me that it wasn't about what he believed. He had a job to do, and his job was to sell advertising — if he spoke what he really felt about the war, the station would lose those advertisors, and ultimately, that's what it's all abourt. Who cares that bombers just took out a dam, resulting in probably hundreds of thousands of deaths this winter… all that matters is Pepsi.

And now it's back to work with me!

PS. They published my letter! When she hits that high note, I get a boner the size of Florida!


Jason's is way too funny!

More pinko propaganda

I'm not sure if it's right or not, but in CNN chat rooms, you can't mention Indymedia — if you do, it doesn't post your message publicly. Of course, you can't mention ABCnews or FOXnews either, even though CNN claims it encourages discussion about the news. I guess when CNN says “news” they mean CNN news.

More on the free speech news, professors with anti-war notions are being targetted by right-wing student groups. A spokesman for the group says, “We agree that everyone has the right to speak freely in this country, and thank God for that. However, these professors' comments seem to represent what most college professors believe — that America is at fault for the terrorist attacks.”

Uh oh! The smartest most educated people think that America is at fault! Better silence them!

The Afghan refugee camps contain about four million people, plus an additional seven million or so inside Afghanistan at the risk of starvation. The “war effort” is making it pretty much impossible to get food in (the US bombing of the Red Cross buildings isn't helping either). If the US continues its attacks and does not allow the food to get through does that make them guilty of causing a holocaust? I figure it does. I understand that war involves innocent civilian casualties, but when your civilian deaths outnumber your military deaths by a factor of a million to one or some ridiculous number, one must reconsider ones actions!

Even if you support the most sickening version of this war, realize that this is a war that the US can not win. Colonel David H Hackworth (decorated in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the US army's youngest captain and US history's most decorated war hero who became an anti-war advocate after denouncing the Vietnam War) is very clear on the US elite forces. “I would be reluctant to jump into a battle zone with any conventional American unit. I would hate to take them into battle – they ain't ready, they are not 'good to go'.” They are simply not trained, and can not be trained, for this battle.

I think we all know that the FBI was warned long before the 9/11 attacks that they were coming. More evidence is in on that. That said, big deal. It's not as if you can defend against a terrorist attack. It's not as if you can arrest and execute every terrorist. That's the whole problem with this current course of action. It creates an environment where terrorist attacks want to happen, but since it is impossible to actually stop most terrorist attacks, the end result will simply be more deaths.

There is one article I'd really like people to read though. It starts with Bush's quote, “If any government sponsors the outlaws and killers of innocents, they have become outlaws and murderers themselves. And they will take that lonely path at their own peril.”

Let's take a look at the US's School of the Americas, which has since 1946 been training terrorists (more than 60,000 of them) in things like blackmail, torture, execution and intimidation techniques. Why isn't the US carpet bombing Georgia?

Anyway, you must read this article.

I'm off now to pick up the TT (with it's new windshield), pay the dealership their miserable blood money, then drive up north (still on the spare) and get four Pirelli low-profile snow racing tires put on (thank God for being well enough connected to pay cost). When I get back I'll try and finish off the new experience engine so everyone can start playing with that.

Damn Cablemodem

It's offline. I'm hitting this place over a phone line. Oh well, it at least means I'm getting lots of programming done (I'm working on the community based multi-lingual experience engine).

As you know, the US has dropped at least eight bombs on Red Cross buildings (which reminds me, good work bombing that hospital yesterday). The first time, they said it was just human error and apologized. The next time, they said it was the target the planes were told to hit, but that it had been a targetting error at HQ, and pointed out that the Taliban might be storing weapons in the Red Cross buildings. Yesterday, the defense department announced that they had actually intended to hit the Red Cross buildings because they had been commandeered by the Taliban (which is denied by the Red Cross). Now here's the punchline: Last night the story was on MSNBC at this link, but when I looked at it this morning, all mention of the story has been removed… What's up with that?

As Professor Sir Michael Howard, one of the world's more respected military histories pointed out yesterday, Al-Qaida and the Taliban are winning this war. He adds, on this war on terrorism, that there is “no policy more likely, not only to indefinitely prolong the war, but to ensure that we can never win it.”

Even though they got beat once by the Afghans, and the Taliban warned them, “Instead of dividing Afghanistan, Russia should make arrangements for paying salaries to its workers in its own country. Afghanistan is an independent country, and cannot accept puppet owners, and cannot accept slavery,” Russia is committing 250,000 troops, and the US is doing the same. Top that off with the 7.5 million Afghans that could starve to death this winter with the aid lines cut off by war, and you have one obvious result: a whole lot of death and misery on all sides… and that's the best-case scenario.

The US media has been just wonderful, right? Since the raids are failing and the bombing is useless, the CNN chief has ordered the reporters to “remind the viewers why the US is bombing“. You've got to love being lied to, right? At least the government will get more money (of course, that means the people get less). Whatever you do though, don't try and pretend there's freedom of the press, because unless you work for one of the highly controlled mainstream news agencies, or you live well outside of American reach (is there such a place?) you simply can not report on things freely.

And this, this is the most disgusting capitalizing on this yet. It really makes me sick. War, no matter which “side” you support, should never be used to trick children into giving you money.

PS. You'd think given the last voting fiasco, they'd be more careful!