Sunday, September 1, 2002
It's BBQ time today!
To me, this reads like a copy-cat, but you never know. Maybe there is a new fleet of terrorists getting ready to attack. Although I strongly doubt it. Now that the US has been more and more vocally announcing November 30th as the date Iraq is being attacked (odd posturing, announcing the date and plans so often), it would make sense for them to launch the attacks after that, when they have the support of the entire Middle East (with the exception of Israel of course) as well as much more of the world's Islamic population.
Of course, there are three forces at play here. First is of course the defense sector who has been losing money lately and needs this war financially. Then there is the “illuminati sector” that wants this war to eat away at the middle class by destroying the economy. Then of course, there's the oil sector who wants access to the Bin Umar oil field in Iraq. Problem is, Zarubezhneft, a Russian company, has just been given access and drilling is beginning near Kirkuk. If the Americans don't invade by November 30th, that project will be well enough under way that it will be Soviet corporations that dominate Iraqi drilling once sanctions are lifted, not American corporations.
This is a corporate war.
By supporting it, you support innocent people being murdered in order to make very wealthy people wealthier. Not only that, but by supporting this war, you support siphoning money off the middle class and bringing it up to the upper end of the upper class. Remember, almost all of us on IAM live in democracies — government by the people for the people — if your government takes part in this, and you haven't registered your objection with your representative or taken other actions to voice your opinion, you have supported this war in your silence.
Wednesday, August 28, 2002
I finally have Ed's book ready to go — I know there are a number of you that have been eagerly waiting for this for some time now, and I apologize for taking so long to get it laid up. I just have to do some work with the images, proof it, and then it goes to press — so expect it to be available via BMEshop and BMEbooks soon.
The book is an absolutely wonderful journey through the world of upper limb amputees. I'd recommend it highly to anyone who's curious about the amputee lifestyle, I'd recommend it highly to anyone who is an amputee and is having trouble adjusting, and I'd recommend it highly to anyone who knows an amputee. This book is truly inspiring, and Ed is a compelling storyteller.

I'm also very happy to say that we've now finally made agreements with distributors in both Canada and the United States, so expect the ModCon book to make it onto store shelves across both nations! World domination, right?
Wednesday, August 28, 2002
So I'm editing some gay porn right now, and it struck me that there's a commonality that I really enjoy in amateur gay porn: I get a big kick out of the fact that the men are usually wearing wedding rings. I don't know if it's to “fit in” to mainstream society better, or if it's what I suspect, that they simply haven't told their wives yet, but it's amusing…

PS. And this was shot long before gay marriages were common.
PPS. If you tell me it's on the wrong finger, you're spoiling my fun!
Wednesday, August 28, 2002
Shirt design: Orbax
Translation: Diego
Layout and Inking: Me!

The text says, in Spanish of course, “BMEZINE.COM – Cuando usted llegue, dgales que el Gran Orbax los mand”, which in English means “BMEZINE.COM – When you get there, tell them The Great Orbax sent you.” No decisions have been made yet as far as what the design is being used for — should it be a BBQ shirt? Maybe some sort of reward shirt? A BMEshop design?
Wednesday, August 28, 2002
Over the past month I've been getting all my finances caught up so I can transition from doing them largely myself (with help from my accountant of course) to having a business services company deal with it (meeting on Thursday afternoon to do that, let's hope I remember). I can't even begin to describe how physically ill it makes me to have to worry about money. I despise it. I'm sure many of you feel exactly the same way.
I'm very good at the things that I do — mostly because I love doing them. But I hate — I mean, really hate, business and especially the bureaucracy that goes with it. It disgusts me to be a part of those processes. Unfortunately there are a number of things (and people) that are important to me that I need to generate some money to do, so I'm stuck doing it. I spent the afternoon sorting receipts and trying to ()(so far unsuccessfully) find my records from inside the moving boxes so I can hand them off and get this stuff out of my hair (and into more capable hair). When it's all over with I'm going to be very relieved.
Some good news at least is that I have the BBQ shirts in stock, so barring one of the stupid dogs (realistically my single largest sources of stress and irritation next to finances) wrecking them, at least that problem is out of the way… Here you go:

That said, I'm going to go through them and see if there are any misprints. Luckily this time they were early so such and issue could be handled with minimal stress. Now back to Quark XPress to try and get the next book ready for press. I'm shooting to have it ready by week's end.