When I get back to Toronto, I'll be asking Tom Brazda to do this piercing (is that the right word even?) on me. I've been talking about doing this in various forms for almost two years now, so there's no doubt that I'm “ready for it”.
Basically what I want to do is drop a very wide staple at the top of my forehead and heal a large flap there. Sort of a “third eye doorknocker”. The jewelry I've drawn is just retainer jewelry for the healing period, carved or folded out of Telfon or Titanium.

I'm not going to say who sent this because I'm sure it was sent with good intentions, but please do not send me images to post if they don't even come close to meeting the posted requirements… All it does is make my workday longer. I have perhaps an hour of recreational time a day, tops, so please don't take that away!
If the picture is so messed up that I can't even tell what it is, then it's not going to be any good to anyone on the site either. Even if you tell me what gallery to put it in, it would take away from the usefulness of that gallery… Again, sorry for posting the picture, but this is sort of important.

First of all, some people have been using JavaScript and iam.code to alter core parts of their page such as the IAM logo and IAM.alive links. Other people are changing their title bar to remove the tracker warning, and so on. You may think this is funny, but it is disruptive to IAM's usability, and I will deactivate permissions to use iam.code and javascript on those pages and then you won't be able to even have a tracker… You've been given some powerful tools here, so use them responsibly or not at all.
Well, I'll quickly implement those few changes I guess, thanks a lot, it's not like I didn't have too much to do already today (it's image update day).
Anyway, here are four pix from yesterdays looking through the old boxes:
 Prepping for the most impressive truck pull I've ever seen.
 Action painting with Scott Fox in high school.
 An early product development Dave and I did: Internet via oldschool Nintendo.
 It's one thing to live on easy street… imagine living on Prince Albert St.?
Thursday, October 17, 2002
I found some blank space in the scrapbook, so I'm squeezing in some more stuff. I want to include a bit on oldschool/early rec.arts.bodyart, since that's why I got on the Internet in the first place, at least recreationally. Anyway, if anyone can identify the people in the photos below (I see Anne Greenblatt and Barry Blanchard, but my rusty brainguts aren't remembering any others), please do! (And if you know exactly when these were taken, even better).

Wednesday, October 16, 2002
I'm just scanning the last dregs of photos for the scrapbook, and then later tonight I'll start doing a test output to see how it looks. I still have about 20 pages of text that it's breaking my heart to omit, so I'll try and squeeze in as much as I can.

I will be very impressed if anyone can name all the people in the photos. I'll give two hints on the ones that aren't obvious. One of them used to be my boss, and the other one “invented” the vertical labret through a series of misadventures.
Update: The answers. From left to right, those people are Haji/spacebot, Me, Tim “Torture King” Cridland (Zamorra), Ryan (badseeds), Erik (The Lizardman), and Essie.