
A number of people had reported that there were problems with the IAM server, so for that and a couple other reasons I headed back to investigate. As far as I can tell, the slowdown is due to a bug in my image submissions tool. My base-64 routines are admittedly sloppy and very CPU and memory intensive — they have to be rewritten in assembler when I get a chance.

Anyway, when those routines run, if there have been a lot of submissions inside that 15-minute window, or if there were troubles reaching my email server during that window, sometimes there can be multiple processes running, and they can be very rude, hogging the whole CPU. Tommorrow I'll do some work on those to at least make them more polite.

I got the BME temporary tattoos (is that a bad thing? some people think so…) today — FINALLY, after many shipping-related fiascos. They're not for sale but I will give Ryan a pile of them to throw in with orders. In addition, if you are hosting a BBQ, etc., drop me a line with your address and I'd be glad to send an envelope full your way.

Weird ride…

My train ride to Toronto was spent with a low functioning albeit rather wealthy older gay man telling me the recent sob stories of his life. He was, as I mentioned, incredibly stupid, and also very trusting. He was a former Catholic guidance counselor who'd been fired in June for discussing his sex life with his students.

Anyway, as I was sitting next to him he kept getting calls from a guy who was alternately threatening to kill himself and then his (the guy I was sitting next to's) boyfriend as well. Apparently it was a homeless guy that he'd picked up last time he was in Toronto and spent a few nights with at his hotel, who'd then stolen his credit cards and hustled him for about $10,000.

Other than that, the cover story on the Globe&Mail this morning (the hotel handed it to me, and I didn't have a computer there so it was the extent of my news contact) was that in the next four months Canada will be fully decriminalizing recreational marijuana use, and will be encouraging those who want it to grow it themselves. The article stated that Britain would be doing the same in that time period…

As I mentioned, I really think America may do the same — first, because it'll greatly decrease crime and increase quality of life in volatile communities (ie. less chance of revolt — give a little, take a lot)… But more importantly: SOMA.

WOW. Damn IAM is fast when you're on a low-latency connection (I'm on a Ryan's OC-3 right now).

And as you know I have very little memory. At this point I only remember fragments of living in Toronto, so it's funny coming back — makes me feel like a real hick: “Gee these towers are tall! I'll bet they hold an awful lot of silage!”


It's no secret that I like to blow things up. The bigger the explosion the better. I didn't enjoy watching the UPS truck come within 6″ of destroying the Porsche, but I sure did enjoy what it delivered. Want to help set them off? You'll have to come to the New Year's BBQ.

What to do?

People are sending me a lot of questions, saying, “what should I do?” Honestly, I don't have an easy answer, I'm sorry. Maybe the US media will start to bring attention to these things, in which case it could resolve itself — in some ways the media are more powerful than the government even since the media alone has the power to control the masses. If you work in the media, even just a school newspaper, getting real info out to people does make a difference. Tell your friends. Tell your parents. Tell your kids. The reason things like this happen is mostly because people on the whole don't know they're happening.

Other people are asking me, “where can I go?”, often asking about emmigrating to Canada. Here's a good overview link page on that, but to do it you'll need either contacts in Canada willing to sponsor you (family, job, partner, etc.), or a chunk of money (which will get you into almost any country). I'm not sure that I would recommend Canada over other options. Plus if you're from the southern states, Canada is miserably cold unless you move to Vancouver.

There are a lot of other options… Everything from funny little ex-pat “countries” like Monaco (which from my investigations appears to have a cost of living no higher than Toronto — I consdiered moving there during my American Psycho period where I thought maybe I'd just say FUCKIT and “play the game”) and Morocco (a quick search turns up help) to places like Costa Rica (historically the oldest and most stable democracy in the Americas, plus it's gorgeous and has a good information and banking infrastructure, plus it's a bridge to the future — South America).

Of course your choices are limited by money; if you are a skilled worker with money and the ability to generate more, you have a zillion choices. If you have few marketable skills and zero money, then of course there are organizations like and WEO that can help you find volunteer work anywhere in the world. (Please note, I just grabbed those from a quick search and I don't know what their political agenda is; I assume anyone interested in such a path can investigate it for themselves).

There are some scams getting advertised on it (money laundering schemes, questionable tax shelters, and other “too good to be true” deals), but I still strongly recommend (most of the links above make that clear), an awesome resource for anyone considering becoming an ex-pat. Other resources include Expat Index (a British site) and

Other than that, just be careful about the things that the system can use to enslave you. First and foremost that means don't live on credit. Debt = Slavery. If you can't afford something, don't buy it until you can.

Now that's a lot of links.

I've been thinking that America may legalize some form of narcotic soon… I think it may need its soma (I know I need mine some days!). You can only push the citizens around for so long before they wake up, seize arms, and burn down the Whitehouse. Off with their heads! Eat the rich! It's about time for another revolution. Civl rights was never supposed to mean no rights for people, all rights for the corporation.

There's got to be an easier way...
Now hold on a second, it's burning.
There's a change coming, in my blackened school,
I suggest to you, that it takes 5 seconds, just 5 seconds
To put a morphine sepository all the way inside
Brothers and sisters! Do you know what I'm talking about?
I'm talking about, a full on, motherfucking, REVOLUTION!!!

I think it's important to again mention Elliott Abrams, the Iran/Contra criminal later pardoned by Bush Sr., and now hired by Bush Sr. — realize that Abrams and the rest of that gang were not voted in. They were appointed. Realize also that they've been in power almost indefinitely. What I'm starting to see is that the American political system is a farce democracy — you have two nearly identical right-leaning parties who, no matter who actually is elected, simply choose someone to sit as a figurehead (patsy) for four years while the unelected folks keep running the show.

Just think — how many lefties do you know that would be “happy” when Gore gets elected next? They'll think “oh, now it's all going to be better”. Don't think Clinton didn't play these games too. It's a universal truth of the modern American political system. Short of destroying that system these things will not change.

The inspections are going unhindered. And what does Bush tell us? 'The signs are not encouraging' -- In North Carolina last month, a woman attending a lecture I was giving asked me when America would go to war in Iraq. I told her to watch the front page of The New York Times and The Washington Post for the first smear campaigns against the UN inspectors. And bingo, right on time, the smears have begun.

You've got to love that the US tries to discredit the UN team because one of the guys (who was appointed because of a request from the US) was involved with pornography. Yeah, I guess that dressing up in kinky leather outfits is worse than the giant financial crimes most of the Bush admin is guilty of — or even DUI. Again, the message is clear: The US government wants and desires war.

Anyone who seeks out war for war's sake is evil.

Then again, Bush is history's most popular president. His approval rating continues to set records as he slashes America's freedoms (and privacy) and brings the world to the brink of war. Now, let me ask you a hypothetical question — if I believe that someone is committing a crime, and I kill them, but it turns out I was misinformed or too stupid to tell the difference, should I be punished? In the real world, I'd at least be charged with manslaughter, if not murder, and would face serious punishment (hell, in Texas they'd execute me even if my IQ was 75).

Now, given that Bush is about to kill an awful lot of people for no good reason, and he has a huge approval rating, what responsibility do the Americans that support him (and the British that support Blair) have? If this turns out to be as unjust a war as everyone but the neo-cons know, should those people have to answer for that support? After all, they put Bush in power and continue to support him.

If you feel that people must answer for crimes, or at least see how someone could believe that then you start understanding why terrorists can “justify” attacking civilians like on 9/11 (I'm not saying I support it, obviously I don't as a pacifist). Under a democracy, the people are (in theory) responsible for the actions of their government. As such, one can reasonably call upon the people to answer for the crimes of that government. (That said, I don't believe that America is a democracy, and I don't believe the American people are free or have a say in what their government does. Too bad the terrorists don't understand that — which means that the US citizen will continue being sacrifical lambs to political games.)

This past week, President Bush made a big deal about signing a military authorization bill with a $30 billion increase. Here we are, 12 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and without a credible enemy in sight we are still spending nearly $400 billion annually on defense. It is not really the cost of defense, but rather the cost of an empire.

Permanent war.

And short of revolution — and I mean Civil War II — nothing is going to change it. If you were born in America, you will be a (potential) slave — and certainly a monitored slave — until one of the following happens:

  • The US collapses financially, which may well happen
  • The US is overthrown by force internally
  • The US is overthrown by force externally
  • You emmigrate to a free country

As I mentioned about, and I'll point out again here, the same criminals run the country no matter who gets elected. Freedom is an illusion, and it has been for a long time. As long as you're voting Rep/Dem, you're supporting the status quo, which is perpetual war and police state.

And there is stuff happening. But do you really want to find out what it is?

And before you get angry at me for writing these things, please ask yourselves — should you be angry at me for telling you, or at them for doing it to you?

PS. And remember, the American government doesn't care about protecting its citizens (although they'll lie and tell you they do if they want your support). It's going to war with a country that has no way to strike back, but a war that may incite numerous unstoppable terrorist attacks on the American people. In addition, it has all but ignored “Axis of Evil member” North Korea who has flat-out told the US that it will “incinerate Los Angeles with nuclear weapons” if the US continues on with its current pro-Taiwan independence posturing.