What to do?

People are sending me a lot of questions, saying, “what should I do?” Honestly, I don't have an easy answer, I'm sorry. Maybe the US media will start to bring attention to these things, in which case it could resolve itself — in some ways the media are more powerful than the government even since the media alone has the power to control the masses. If you work in the media, even just a school newspaper, getting real info out to people does make a difference. Tell your friends. Tell your parents. Tell your kids. The reason things like this happen is mostly because people on the whole don't know they're happening.

Other people are asking me, “where can I go?”, often asking about emmigrating to Canada. Here's a good overview link page on that, but to do it you'll need either contacts in Canada willing to sponsor you (family, job, partner, etc.), or a chunk of money (which will get you into almost any country). I'm not sure that I would recommend Canada over other options. Plus if you're from the southern states, Canada is miserably cold unless you move to Vancouver.

There are a lot of other options… Everything from funny little ex-pat “countries” like Monaco (which from my investigations appears to have a cost of living no higher than Toronto — I consdiered moving there during my American Psycho period where I thought maybe I'd just say FUCKIT and “play the game”) and Morocco (a quick search turns up help) to places like Costa Rica (historically the oldest and most stable democracy in the Americas, plus it's gorgeous and has a good information and banking infrastructure, plus it's a bridge to the future — South America).

Of course your choices are limited by money; if you are a skilled worker with money and the ability to generate more, you have a zillion choices. If you have few marketable skills and zero money, then of course there are organizations like Idealist.org and WEO that can help you find volunteer work anywhere in the world. (Please note, I just grabbed those from a quick search and I don't know what their political agenda is; I assume anyone interested in such a path can investigate it for themselves).

There are some scams getting advertised on it (money laundering schemes, questionable tax shelters, and other “too good to be true” deals), but I still strongly recommend EscapeArtist.com (most of the links above make that clear), an awesome resource for anyone considering becoming an ex-pat. Other resources include Expat Index (a British site) and ExpatExchange.com.

Other than that, just be careful about the things that the system can use to enslave you. First and foremost that means don't live on credit. Debt = Slavery. If you can't afford something, don't buy it until you can.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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