Weird ride…

My train ride to Toronto was spent with a low functioning albeit rather wealthy older gay man telling me the recent sob stories of his life. He was, as I mentioned, incredibly stupid, and also very trusting. He was a former Catholic guidance counselor who'd been fired in June for discussing his sex life with his students.

Anyway, as I was sitting next to him he kept getting calls from a guy who was alternately threatening to kill himself and then his (the guy I was sitting next to's) boyfriend as well. Apparently it was a homeless guy that he'd picked up last time he was in Toronto and spent a few nights with at his hotel, who'd then stolen his credit cards and hustled him for about $10,000.

Other than that, the cover story on the Globe&Mail this morning (the hotel handed it to me, and I didn't have a computer there so it was the extent of my news contact) was that in the next four months Canada will be fully decriminalizing recreational marijuana use, and will be encouraging those who want it to grow it themselves. The article stated that Britain would be doing the same in that time period…

As I mentioned, I really think America may do the same — first, because it'll greatly decrease crime and increase quality of life in volatile communities (ie. less chance of revolt — give a little, take a lot)… But more importantly: SOMA.

WOW. Damn IAM is fast when you're on a low-latency connection (I'm on a Ryan's OC-3 right now).

And as you know I have very little memory. At this point I only remember fragments of living in Toronto, so it's funny coming back — makes me feel like a real hick: “Gee these towers are tall! I'll bet they hold an awful lot of silage!”

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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