A reminder about heroes and patriots.
Update that came over the wire while I was writing this:
PS. Don't rely on the “missile shield“.
"You had better all die — die immediately, than live as slaves and entail your wretchedness upon your posterity."
- Henry Highland Garnet, Black Revolutionary, 1843
A quick Iraq re-cap: The weapons inspectors are given a 12,000 page weapons capabilities document by Iraq. They first say that they won't share a full version with the security council. Then the US jumps in and says, “Let US, and ONLY us have a copy and we'll tell you a secret“. The US runs off with the report and takes the only copy back to Washington to copy and distribute to the other members. The official reason is because the US “has the best photocopiers” (seriously). Then Iraq says that the US is altering the report before giving it to the other members of the security council (but don't worry, the US will “let the UN know” when it plans on invading). I thought the whole point of this was to have information on Iraq that we could all agree on internationally, not another US scrubbed lie.
Geov Parrish says “I want a list too!”
I want a full accounting of every weapon in the country. Not Iraq; I could give a fig about Iraq. It's halfway around the world, it has no means of threatening the United States from its territory, its economy is decimated, it has been disarmed more effectively than any other country in the history of the world, its every move is closely monitored by any number of other agencies and countries, and it knows that any move to threaten any other country would be instantly suicidal. There are plenty of threats to the safety of Americans. Iraq is not one of them. Among all the American-trained dictators plaguing the planet, he's the least of our problems.I want a list of our weapons.
Are you a computer hacker (make sure you don't take a government contract)? Have you ever said anything like what's written in these entries? Have you ever sold drugs? Maybe you've been to an anti-war protest? Good news for you! The military tribunals are almost ready!
You've got to love that the US claims North Korea (who's now selling missiles to the Middle East) is “the world's leading [arms] proliferator“… With $50 to $100 million in military exports, North Korea still falls behind the US, which exports billions of dollars worth of weapons, mostly to third world countries, every year.
"On the answering machine, there was a message: Both of your cousins were killed in the Bureij massacre today. The third is seriously wounded and is in the hospital..."
At least Germany is anti-war — which is interesting because Germany has been very aggressive in the anti-terror war (although it's been getting snubbed by the US).
"When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader."
- Plato
Another interesting story; as you know, the US does provide massive amounts of foreign aid to the third world. However, some of the aid is kind of screwy:
US to Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, etc: “Here's some grain for you.”Africa: “But it's genetically modified, we don't know what effect it will have on our ecosystem. Not only that, but if we take this grain from you, we can no longer export foodstuffs to Europe. You have lots of non-genetically modified grain surplus. Can we have that?”
US: “No! Beggars can't be choosers!” [that's an actual quote!]
US: “Only countries willing to switch to genetically modified grain will receive aid from us.”
It's kind of weird… I'm not at all sure what the agenda is on this, but I assume it must be corporate (GM food is generally patented and licensed). But come on! Forcing poor farmers in southern Africa to only grow GM grain is really pushing it. Of course, it's better than Israel, which still hasn't answered for blowing up food supplies owned by aid organizations like the World Food Program.
On this article just I want to make a technical comment about it — it's been OCR'd. For some reason, this article went digital to analog to digital. You can tell because there are some places where zero's (0) are used instead of oh's (O). Notice how one is wider than the other? Anyway, I thought it was procedurally odd. I'm sure there's a comment in there somewhere on the surveillance nation, at least on a metaphorical level.
"Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do."
- Rudolf Giuliani
And I think it really sucks that the US keeps pushing land mines. Yes, they make war safer if you're the one that left the mines. Realistically they probably even mean less casualties for the “enemy” because they make war more predictable. HOWEVER, what they also guarantee is post-war civilian casualties and maimings. And that is unacceptable. It's not hard to understand: killing innocent people is unacceptable.
"The tree of liberty, from time to time, must be replenished with the blood of patriots."
- Thomas Jefferson
Oh, you know how Saddam has lots of doubles. Last night we were joking that he kept them all in his basement or in cages in his back yard. I propose that he bought them all at Saddam-O-Rama.
Well, I thought it was funny.