Wednesday, January 8, 2003
Well, it seems this grand experiment is on. Even if it flops I need the break. I hope that being 5000 miles away from my computer can get me to relax a bit… I'm making a long list of everything I need to train people to do so all contingencies can be handled. I'm sick and tired of having to fly back from vacation every time I go anywhere because something goes wrong that only I can fix.
Oh, and the connection didn't hold, so I've had to restart the upload. Those of you who are in this update should have your passwords by now though… Guess that means I'm staying up later than I'd hoped today; and now it's snowing so I hope it doesn't cut out totally.
This broken wrist thing is really not fun. I know it could be worse, but this is the first time I've broken anything in my life. The kicker is that what I miss is the physical activity that got me into this jam in the first place; skateboarding around Rob's house just isn't the same as going full out on an ATV or snowmobile! Well, it's getting better at least — it doesn't really hurt unless I take off the splint and bend it (I need a contact mic; it made some very disturbing noises when I bent it the last time).
And yes, I realize that doing things like that will make it take even longer to heal.
I'm going to go sit in the snow for a while now.
And holy hell, how did my hit counter pass a quarter million hits since October? This is a closed site after all — it blows me away that so many people read what I have to say… I can't imagine it's that interesting?
Wednesday, January 8, 2003
I have to first make a couple minor changes to the gallery builder, but once I've done that and confirmed it works, I'll try and do an experience update, at least partially… I should really focus on re-writing the image adder tool as well so I can get others to help me with it…

The UN so far finds no prohibited weapons in Iraq, but the US continues to use the lack of weapons as “proof that Saddam is hiding them” and the UN predicts that the US will murder as many as 500,000 Iraqis over a little oil and a lot of imperialism.
Further around the globe, North Korea tells the US that if it messes with it in any way, it'll start a war on the penninsula. Because North Korea actually has the defenses that Iraq is claimed to have, the US agrees to talk.
Now here's the problem. Two clear messages are sent out to the world. First, America is a nation of cowards and liars that only attacks weaker countries under false pretense (let me be clear: I'm not saying the US people are bad, just that's the message that Bush is sending the world). Second, the only way to defend oneself against imperialist invasion is by escalating your weapons program. Good going Bush — you've demonized the American people, destroyed any positive reputation the US had left, and have dramatically increased the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Well, actually I don't use a Polaroid, I use a Fujifilm instant camera (way better). I just finished a very long interview, plus my brain is totally numb from working on re-seeding the ad database. It's horrible work, not fun at all.
Yes, I am wearing a Hello, my name is Queen of the Fucking Universe shirt… I think it's a lot funnier than the cliched Hello my name is Satan shirts (which I like too — not slagging!). |
I really like this photo, but it doesn't have enough definition… The truck looks great though — although it's not sitting with its ass in the air, the camera is just crooked! |
Rachel likes this photo (I don't)… I think it was taken at the end of the day, so I'm worked to death, very tired, and quite probably stoned judging by the picture. |
Back to work with me now, at least I know that this is a job I only have to do once… When it's done its done, and to be honest I think I'm going to hand the task to others to deal with. It's taken me a long time to get used to the idea, but I'm starting to come around to the concept of
As you may have seen in today's newsfeed, those guys in Fort Worth did beat the “tattoo duration” world record. Now, my opinion on world records is no secret, but damn, getting tattooed for 30 hours has got to be intense… And I think the person who deserved the real credit is the artist. That's a long time to hold a tattoo machine for…
Now I have to go actually seed the ad database so I can do an image update, most likely tomorrow. But it'll be good to finally get all the insanely out of date stuff out of rotation.
The potential war with North Korea continues to bubble away… North Korea is pushing America to the point where they have to admit that they are cowards that only attack weak nations… Or launch a very difficult war. Looking forward to getting DRAFTED?
Remember, under the new proposed law, women can get drafted too. A corpse is a corpse, they really don't care what shape its genitals are. The war machine eats its soylent green raw.