Can someone explain to me why, if the war is basically over, they need to send an emergency “upgrade” of 100,000 more troops to the Gulf? More troops = bigger war, right? Does this mean that Iraq is far from won, or does it mean expansion? (more)
News about Iraq is going to be very hazy and muddled for some time now, and I expect that the media on the whole will make it go the same place Afghanistan did after that war was “won”… Out of sight, out of mind. After all, the US has said that, just as Lincoln overhauled the South's school system after the civil war, the US plans to scrap one of the few good things Saddam did for that country — the education systems (more)… Remember, this is the horror of WWII, not the horror of Vietnam, as if one is “better” (more). One of the things all of this killing of indie journalists and restriction of embeds has shown is just how much modern war is as much a war of world media as it is of blood (more, more).
So what's happening to the last of Saddam's loyalists (more)? There are a lot of theories, but Brigadier-General John Kelly (more) describes,
"They stand, they fight, sometimes they run when we engage them... But often they run into our machine guns and we shoot them down like the morons they are. They appear willing to die. We are trying our best to help them out in that endeavour."
It must be very disturbing to be fighting in Iraq if these claims are even half way true… US and UK troops have described being “forced” to kill hundreds of effectively unarmed and defenseless Iraqi troops.
Anyway, there are of course still no signs of WMDs (more), and even though the media seems on the whole to be declaring the war over, Rumsfield does promise that many more will still die (more). Saddam may well be sipping Mai Tais with Milton on a beach, but much of Iraq is still under hostile control (more), and as much as multitudes celebrate the fall of Saddam, Arabs around the world are seething as well (more).
Then of course there's Turkey threatening to attack the now “free” Kurds in Iraq (more), setting the stage for continued war across the Middle East and beyond, especially as returning Iraqi “leaders” are finding themselves murdered by crowds of people opposed to his views (more). America: ask yourself: how many of your peopled died in WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, and so on all added up. Now ask yourself: how many of your people died in your Civil War? Now run that per capita.
In other news, even as the Afghanistan war is still far from over, and the Iraq war is really just beginning still, everyone is already asking “who's next” (more, more). The US has told Iran, Syria (more), and North Korea to “learn from Iraq” (more), Syria being the most likely target since it's the weakest of the bunch (more) and probably easiest to drum up “80% support” for. That said, I stand by my prediction (so far I seem on target) that Syria will not be invaded as the US knows that it could get in over its head soon — it's very over-extended right now.
Money money money… Who get's Iraq's oil? You thought it was going to be the Iraqi people, right? Guess again (more, more)… (Do you really think America won't be a major terrorist target if the world watches Iraq's oil reserves get handed to Israel?) Well, $80 billion in pork has been spent (more); now it's time to start handing out the big contracts. After all, that's what this was about, right? Welcome to corporate war, round one. America 1, Russia 0.
In Crazy North Korea news, they've again threatened to nuke Japan (more) and, thanks to the debacle in Iraq, are interpreting calls for UN inspection as a prelude to war (more)… As a result, the US is stepping up its own nuke program, breaking the moratorium on nuclear tests that it's maintained since 1992 (more). Damn the Democrats for messing with America's nukes! Go nukes! War forever! All Hail King George Jr.!

PS. Change the channel (more)! Change the channel (more)! Don't look (more)!