Franko thought it was funny…

Subject: Frenum photo info.

Hi there I was wondering if you would post my frenum peircing on your site? It looks really nice, its a hoop. I was told not to do it but I did anyways and its great I love it!
I am from *** and there is deffinately a BM movement here... well if you want this where you can reach me back... I don't know if size matters but if it does I don't have anything to worry about my penis is 8 1/2 inches long...

Franko's reply:

From: Franko el Derbi
Subject: Re: Frenum photo info.

Sorry, that's not big enough. I know that everyone says that the norm is about 6", but I assure you, that's just a scam by men to feel better. Most of us are well over 18".

Franko el Derbi
Department of Wangs

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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