Subject: Frenum photo info.
To: BMEHi there I was wondering if you would post my frenum peircing on your site? It looks really nice, its a hoop. I was told not to do it but I did anyways and its great I love it!
I am from *** and there is deffinately a BM movement here... well if you want this where you can reach me back... I don't know if size matters but if it does I don't have anything to worry about my penis is 8 1/2 inches long...
Franko's reply:
From: Franko el Derbi
Subject: Re: Frenum photo info.
To: "DJDEADLY"Sorry, that's not big enough. I know that everyone says that the norm is about 6", but I assure you, that's just a scam by men to feel better. Most of us are well over 18".
Franko el Derbi
Department of Wangs
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