I have to keep fiddling with the update software… but… before that I have to comment on some of the news of course.
Yesterday Fox news reported that the US marines had found “weapons grade plutonium”. Immediately the various neo-con fools jumped on the story and made wild accusations. After all, if Saddam had plutonium at that factory, it would mean not only that Iraq had an advanced H-bomb program, but that Russia, Germany, France, the UN, the IAEA, and others had worked to cover it up — a very serious accusation, one that would put the world on the brink of global catastrophe between major powers.
Remember, before you go wildly threatening nations: Iraq is nothing. It's a weak underpowered nation crippled by more than a decade of extreme sanctions. America outpowers it a thousand times over and there's no excuse miltaristically for not just rolling right over it without real resistance… That is NOT the case for the other nations being threatened. But while the neo-cons were busy making their foolhardy accusations, the truth was revealed: there was no “weapons grade plutonium”. Just a bunch of nuclear waste. After all, it was a legitimate nuclear site. When the UN left, they sealed it up to protect the people and the environment. Why should we be surprised that the first thing the US Marines did was ignorantly smash open all the safety seals and drums of radioactive waste to find their “smoking gun”? All they did was open up the media for baseless threats against friendly nations and endangered both the troops and the people of the region to contaminants that were supposed to be there. (more, more).
Once again, the answer is stupidity.
But still, Rummy is insistent, warning of a “nexus between terrorist states” (more). Have people really watched that much TV that they'll believe that there's a massive conspiracy between legitimate governments and giant terrorist organizations to manufacture WMDs? Short of serious genetic shortfalling, or perhaps a strange gypsy curse, there's no excuse for being that stupid and naive, and if you can figure out how to find this page and read this far, you're smart enough to understand that if Rummy's claims were true, America would have a lot bigger problems than the relatively small and primitive attacks of 9/11/2001.
In Iraq, where war is still raging on, civilian casualty numbers continue to climb (more, more, more). Now, I think we all agree that given the size of the munitions being dropped, those casualty numbers could have been a lot higher. If this really was about brining peace and freedom to the area, then maybe we could play a “perhaps it was worth it” game… But given the likelihood of that happening is slim to none, we leave those corpses with no legacy. They died for nothing but making some corporations richer, as Baghdad slips into chaos (more).
The US promises that the Iraqi people will of course not choose their leaders, but like they've always done (more), the US will put in place a occupation puppet government (more). The Iraqi people on the other hand are demanding that the US leave immediately (more), and vow that suicide bombing will continue until they're gone (more), no matter what becomes of Saddam. You all know about the theft of the oil and other corporate victories, but it goes farther — the US may be forcing into place new export laws in Iraq allowing art dealers to loot the country for its artifacts (more). And, as the US says things like “countries like Iran and Syria should realize that if they don't 'reform' they'll have their own war to worry about” (more), everyone around the world asks, “are we next?” (more).
Are you looking forward to perpetual war? Yeah, for the first few years, maybe the first decade, it'll mostly kill people in little countries you'll never visit… but it will come home soon enough. And then your friends and family start dying. Stop war now if you don't look forward to that.
Quick links:
PS. Only Vermont can be proud of their leaders for caring more about Americans than corporations. (more).
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