Just got in photos of the front of the “Clockwork BME” t-shirt, as well as the back of all the shirts. The “Mr. BeanME” and “Pain Olympics” look great too but you'll have to wait to see those. But this is indicative of the quality. I'm totally thrilled with them!

The cost will be $10 US (or Canadian equivilent) at the BBQ (so please consider tossing a little donation in whatever bucket we have set up to cover the fireworks and various rentals if you can't — but it's “pay what you can” so don't feel bad if all your loot went to getting here and you can't afford to).
Fire gear (and some suspension toys) just got here via courier this morning, and a typically massive order of fireworks is on its way for BMEfest, and Ryan went to Peterborough today to personally verify that the BBQ shirts are perfect (so be sure to thank him at the BBQ, he totally went “above and beyond”).
I was worried that there'd be no fireworks this year because there are fire-bans here in the winter, but luckily it's been wet. Later today I'll finally post the schedule and all that, including who the organizers are for the subsections of the BBQ where it's relevant. Anyway, expect to have fun.

I'm off to the gym, then to lunch, then to the eye doctor, and then when I get back I guess I'm doing some interview with some newstalk radio station (CJME/CKOM) in Saskatchewan or something. My guess they'll ask the same two or three questions about tongue splitting they always do and nothing particularly inspired will come of it.
I'm getting ready to just start making crap up with these foolish DJs that just are looking to fill five minutes with whatever the latest thing is to keep their advertisors happy.
DJ: How many people have their tongues split?
Shannon: Well, five years ago it was almost unheard of, but now, hundreds of thousands of people. It's a [beep]ing army of snake men.
DJ: Really?!? Why did all these people do it?
Shannon: Haven't you heard of the Lizardman? He's the one member of the reptilian overlord race that we humans actually have a chance with. He feels that maybe we are more than just slaves, and our church teaches that if we recreate ourselves in his image he is more likely to accept our offerings.
DJ: Are you serious?
Shannon: Oh, absolutely... Mark my words, there is a great battle coming, and you're going to wish you had your tongue split too.
I wonder how far they'd let me take it on air?
When reporters ask me about tongue splitting, they always ask me the same lame questions: is it the new trend? how many people are doing it? and crap like that. No. It's not “the new trend” and I don't see it hitting mass acceptance. It's an intense and dangerous procedure when done on an amateur level, and it's probably not going to take off as a legit medical procedure even if some surgeons do turn out to be willing to help.
The new “trend” is facial tattooing. Mark my words! In three or four years, facial tattooing will be as common as stretched ears. Every update I get more and more facial tattooing pictures. The farther out people are getting wild work like I've pictured here on the right, but even “normal” mainstream folks are getting it. I see a lot of things like little stars on necks, and really pretty decorations along women's hairlines and so on.
Facial tattooing is going to be the biggest and most revolutionary thing our community does. It's how we'll really change the world. That's my prediction anyway, and so far my predictions seem to be turning out fairly accurately. Let's hope I'm wrong about the coming human-robot apocalypse.
Someone actually had the brain damage required to send the following image in for membership. Yes, just some ad for cheap jewelry… and they couldn't even figure out how to send it properly so the bottom half was always cut off. They did send a follow-up email with various smaller images of the same though.