Friday, December 19, 2003
I recently got offered these artifacts — tattooed mummified limbs from Peru — along with other pieces such as mummified babies via an old human remains trafficer contact of mine. I dropped out of that business because I wasn't comfortable with the ethical issues a la grave desecration and the potential destruction of valuable archeological sites by looters, but these are unusual finds so they came to me with them…

I might see if there's a museum that I can simply channel them on over to. I don't want them for my personal collection because, well, they make me spiritually uncomfortable. If anyone here is interested in them, is comfortable with the karmic implications, and has the facilities to properly store them (this is human flesh and it will break down in most environments), do feel free to contact me about it.
That said, I will only deal with people who I know on this or people who can offer me a trusted referral.
Friday, December 19, 2003
Not that it's a big deal, but the normal encyclopedia URL is of course As you may know, the encyclopedia was designed to replace not only the old glossary, but also BME/Risks. I've got a prototype BME/Risks mode up and running now; it automatically kicks in when you switch to the URL (not that it does much at present).
Right now the changes are really minor — all it does is kick in the new title image at the top indicating the mode change, and it also highlights all risks entries in red (as you can see here). It will of course do much more in the future!
Also, piercers, please HELP ME with this. Because I am no longer working in a studio, I can't easily take pictures of all the problem piercings that walk in every week. Any time you have a problem (boils, unusual keloiding, tear-outs, ear guns in navels, whatever), please please send me a picture of it and any information you have on what caused it and what healed it. Thanks to Jorgen for this example:

Thursday, December 18, 2003
This is based on a sketch of one of Nefarious's favorite toys.

Thursday, December 18, 2003
Last time I was in Toronto, we had a chance to take a quick break from the filming to have Jerome shoot a few new promo shots of me… I really like the way they turned out!

Jerome (CHAPTER9PHOTOGRAPHY.COM) is always shooting in the Montreal and Toronto areas, so drop him a line if you're interested. Visit his website to check out more of his work.
Thursday, December 18, 2003
This is the funniest spam a la Engrish I've gotten in a while. It's for an arthritis medicine:
From: "Lydia"
Subject: - Hello Hey foolish Shannon. - mindless@egGGNhFCT2yJb
Good morning stupid Shannon.
Very well, right away Visit this website:
It is like Nokia (Connecting people),
so Trully your's.
Jane Young.
This is a friendly award from Lydia.
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