Found Photos

Found via MeFi. The basic concept is logging on to various P2P filesharing aps, and looking through generalized folders called “pictures” (and posting the found art)…

Is that Crispin Glover in the middle picture?

Travelling until the end of the month

I will be in Europe from the 7th until I think the 18th, and then in Caracas, Venezuela from the 21st to the 25th for TransVision 2005 (and seeing friends). I'm really looking forward to it; I got to meet Jose Cordeiro, one of this year's organizers in Toronto last year and he was a super nice guy… Hopefully the rather intense looking Max More doesn't beat me up for writing critically about his wife last year and commenting on her breasts.

You can of course expect full coverage on BME again. Here's the links to last year's articles: part one and part two. Jordan is writing this year's piece.

On the open sea

A brief post before I get back to work… Cooked some noodles and vegetables with miso and seaweed for lunch. I know, most of what I cook looks almost the same and uses the same ingredients. That's in part because you can only get so many different things in Mexico, in part because one person can only eat so much so I tend to use the same pieces a few times before using up the purchase, and in part because I limit myself to things that don't take long to cook because of my schedule.

In regards to seaweed consumption (very healthy!), I've talked about eating dulse in this diary before, but down here in Mexico I have no idea where I can get a good supply of sea vegetables, other than a few sushi-related items. I realize that in theory one can eat pretty much any plant that grows in the sea, but I don't know quite enough about it (or the local pollution levels) to do so yet… if you're feeling generous I put some books on the subject in my Amazon wishlist but maybe I should just order some seaweed directly? I'm not sure it would get across the border though.

On sort of on the same oceanic theme, I just have to admit that my CAD skills have become absolutely abysmal with lack of practice. I'm trying to do a couple quick, rough sketches of my boat design so I can visualize it in three dimensions…

Other than that, Rachel and I leave for France and elsewhere in Europe (Belgium, the Netherlands) in a few days, for a total of a ten day trip if I remember right. Anyone have any suggestions on what to do or want to volunteer as a tour guide? Drop her a line…

Image update posted


I've just posted an image update to BME/extreme, as well as to the nipple piercing gallery with just over a thousand new pictures. Thank you to all the contributors and to Yumegari for the cover shot.

Since today is World Centennial Haiku Day (05/07/05), I thought I'd fire up the old poetry bot software I worked on ages ago… Because I never integrated the rhyming system I never finished building it (it was designed to convert regular prose into poetry with dumb AI by using a syllable counter, a thesaurus, and a rhyming dictionary), but I thought it might be fun to hack it to generate haikus from my email client's spam folder. Here's some of the output:

truly desperate?
change your ideas about sex:
drunk girls go crazy

classic old ladies,
naughty grandma love to suck!
blond hardcore banging.

inexpensive pills
increase your sperm volume now:
shoot five times as much

is it funny dave?
the sweet virgins love hard sex! honest with me.

You will be amazed!
cum again and again joe:
meet your wife wishes.

just listen to us:
a penile medication
make you hard like rock!

Anyway… back to processing images (I'm trying to get a good buffer built up so it's easy to keep the site updated from France), working on BMEvideo, and working on my new book…

More of "Cooking with Shannon"

In altogether more pleasant news…

Vegetable stir fry with bead thread noodles… Nice and simple (simple is good); jalepeño, onion, sliced zucchini, and garlic cooked with some cumin and other spiced and then fried with the cellophane noodles in a little soy sauce.
Garbanzo bean salad in a lime and saffron flower sauce… Also ultra simple; chick peas, peppers, onion, and garlic lightly fried in a sauce of fresh lime, minced garlic, a little salt, and saffron flowers, and then a lime garnish.

I have a couple more recipe links for people who want to try something new. First, Twice Shy sent me this site full of raw food recipes. Second, I also wanted to link the very amusing Cooking for Engineers, a new food blog that I think has enormous potential and I've added to my daily reads. It's a bit too meat-and-dairy heavy for me, but bveggars can't be choosers, right?
(Original forum unavailable, sorry)*