Saturday, October 22, 2005
So Patrick Fitzgerald (you know, “Plamegate”) is now looking into pre-war intel. That is, the White House cabal is not only being hit with money laundering and financial crimes and the issues of leaking a CIA operative to try and discredit anti-war statements, but actually of faking the intel that took the US to war in the first place (for nothing more than profit).
With now almost 2,000 Americans dead (and 30,000+ wounded), unless I'm missing something, wouldn't that make Cheney-Bush-Libby-Rove-et-al guilty of felony murder? If they knowingly broke the law and it resulted in thousands of Americans being killed, should that not be their legal fate? Is that not the only option if America truly is a democracy and these men are not untouchable? The only thing left to decide should be whether it's life in prison or the death penalty.
I'll be interested to see how this proceed with Fitzgerald stars requesting Diebold source code.
Admittedly I may be some smalltown Canadian hillbilly, but my supper today really freaked me out. At first glance at least, Buena Vista don't have a lot of choices as to where to eat other than the chains, so we were just going to go to Fuddruckers for a veggie burger. When we got there we saw there was a Korean BBQ and sushi place next door so that's where we ended up.
Among other things I ordered some shrimp sashimi. I had no idea it would be served alive and I hope I don't seem to much of a wuss here, but it really freaked me the fuck out. That said, I did eat it. But seriously, eating something that's alive and moving while its head is staring at you is seriously unsettling. If I wasn't able to shift my consciousness into the part of my brain that was already stark raving mad, I'd have lost the rest of my mind.

I am so having nightmares about this.
Sorry lil' guy!
Since I got interviewed about it yesterday (long day), I thought it was about time to post an update on my magnetic implants (more, more). As you know I have four implants in my left hand, all single silicone-coated units. I think about three weeks ago while opening a jar, I put enough pressure on one of the magnets to tear off its silicone sheath. It's gold coated, but still not entirely biocompatible. It's not really sore or anything, but it's a bit puffy around the magnet and significantly discolored:
The other three magnets in that hand are unaffected. The long stacked magnet in my right hand appears to be doing fine, altough there's a strange twist in the way the magnet moves if I roll my finger over it which makes me think that the silicone has been compromised at the half way point.
In terms of sensation, none of the above has made it less or more, and it's still functioning as designed (both sides are about the same even though they're different configurations). I'm keeping an eye on it all of course, and if it turns into a problem I can easily remove them. I'm actually half expecting the one that's totally exposed (ie. the picture) to reject like a splinter over time but it's quite likely too deep for that to be possible.
Anyway, I think I'm going to Disneyland today but I have a nice big update processing and hope to have it posted tonight some time.
[Comments are disabled on this post because there was something about it that was making it an over-the-top spam-magnet]
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I realize that they're talking about indicting Cheney and he's considering resigning (which would give you VP Condi), and a number of other high-ups in the corrupt Republican party are on the edge of prison, but this is definitely not the headline I was expecting to read today:
Arrest warrant issued, bail set for Tom DeLay
Still, I'll be impressed if they can make it stick… if the Republican money-elite have figured out anything, it's how to play the system. Will the house of cards start tumbling?
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
So I'm playing Family Feud against Rachel and I notice a funny quirk in their AI that allows you to type in slightly wrong answers (misspelled, extra words, and so on) and still get the points. We're in the final segment of the game and it asks me, “NAME SOMETHING A DOG DOES THAT A CAT WOULD BE EMBARASSED TO DO”
That one's easy I figure, and I start laughing as I type in “LICK BALLS”. I start laughing even more when it tells me I'm correct! When the final top answers got posted, it turns out that lick balls is a synonym with play ball in the game… I'm inclined to say that you could probably type in almost anything that includes “ball” or “balls” and still get it right.
Anyway… Long day coming up tomorrow as we're driving to Cabo first thing in the morning and then flying to LA for some sort of Kirsten Dunst experience. Or something like that.