Since I got interviewed about it yesterday (long day), I thought it was about time to post an update on my magnetic implants (more, more). As you know I have four implants in my left hand, all single silicone-coated units. I think about three weeks ago while opening a jar, I put enough pressure on one of the magnets to tear off its silicone sheath. It's gold coated, but still not entirely biocompatible. It's not really sore or anything, but it's a bit puffy around the magnet and significantly discolored:

In terms of sensation, none of the above has made it less or more, and it's still functioning as designed (both sides are about the same even though they're different configurations). I'm keeping an eye on it all of course, and if it turns into a problem I can easily remove them. I'm actually half expecting the one that's totally exposed (ie. the picture) to reject like a splinter over time but it's quite likely too deep for that to be possible.
Anyway, I think I'm going to Disneyland today but I have a nice big update processing and hope to have it posted tonight some time.
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[...] are photos of this both in my magnetic implant article series on BME [1 2 3 4 5] and on my blog [1 2 3 4 5 6]) — and not something you’d want to attempt solo if your practitioner doesn’t [...]