Why did I relax my diet to include fish?

Admittedly I may be some smalltown Canadian hillbilly, but my supper today really freaked me out. At first glance at least, Buena Vista don't have a lot of choices as to where to eat other than the chains, so we were just going to go to Fuddruckers for a veggie burger. When we got there we saw there was a Korean BBQ and sushi place next door so that's where we ended up.

Among other things I ordered some shrimp sashimi. I had no idea it would be served alive and I hope I don't seem to much of a wuss here, but it really freaked me the fuck out. That said, I did eat it. But seriously, eating something that's alive and moving while its head is staring at you is seriously unsettling. If I wasn't able to shift my consciousness into the part of my brain that was already stark raving mad, I'd have lost the rest of my mind.


I am so having nightmares about this. Sorry lil' guy!
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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