Watching some of the Presidential debates I'm really disgusted by the questions on gay marriage and gay rights. One of the real red herring questions in my opinion is the “do you think homosexuality is a choice?” question… While I do find the question interesting on a scientific level, I find it wholly irrelevant because it has such a nasty, nasty undercurrent — the idea that homosexuality is vile at face value, so it can only be somehow justified if “God made it so”. When it comes to making policy, who cares if someone chose it or had it “forced” on them — there's nothing wrong with it, so it's totally irrelevant.
Nefarious and I went to my doctor today, who reluctantly prescribed me
Lyrica, a new drug that aggressively targets neuropathic pain (phantom limb pain basically). While I healed in a week from the knee surgery, I still have escalating
Type II CRPS from when nerves were severed in my biopsy back in January — I can't wear pants, socks, or even have a blanket on my leg at night because it hurts so much… It kind of sucks.
That said, I'm a little worried about the side effects. I like one of them — “euphoria” — but there are plenty that are less fun like weight gain and worse stuff like memory impairment, lethargy, speech disorders, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, and other crappy stuff. I quit smoking pot a month and a half ago (totally), and am in really good shape right now, and really don't want to deal with any of that crap… so I might not take it for long, we'll see. I'd rather be in pain when it comes right down to it.
Hopefully I won't have any side effects and it won't come to that.
I've been eating mountains of fresh sprouts lately. Mountains. A big salad bowl or two a day! I've been eating a lot in general and have put on about five pounds this week I think, haha… For supper I made a noodle and bay scallop dish in sort of a lime-honey hosin sauce, using the strange secret ingredient of goat parmesan cheese which sounds weird, but actually worked incredibly well.
Other than that I got a MIDI controller keyboard. In between a couple hours of doing a wide variety of medical and dental procedures on every one of Nefarious's toy ponies (they're very sickly it seems), I probably annoyed everyone who could hear it with
endless prog rock keyboard riffs… I love big fat
analog synth sounds and
random noodling away with whatever instrument is nearby… Nefarious did the same although she's more of a
free jazz aficionado than prog rock fan.