I was watching Bush at the North American unification summit (in conspiracy-talk, negotiations to collapse the Canada, Mexico, and US governments and run them as a non-democratic corporation), and was really blown away by Bush flat-out saying that the Northwest Passage is “international territory”. I hope he's talking about a passage that runs north of Greenland and north of Ellesmere Island, because traditionally the passage runs smack through long-established Canadian territory (through the heart of Nunavut — once again the original inhabitants get their land taken away by those who seek to exploit it — and the Northwest Territories).
I mean, isn't declaring another country's territory as yours to do with as you please in effect a declaration of war? Or at a minimum, a threat thereof? Not that Bush doesn't thrive on threatening everyone…
Of course, if it runs north of Canada, then it's in Russian or Danish territory. Denmark can't really do a damn thing about it, but Russia can most certainly defend against the US Navy because during the Cold War they realized that they didn't have the money to build the big iron that the US has, and focussed on anti-ship technology instead. So while the US Navy outpowers the Russian Navy, the Russian military in general can sink the entire US military in a couple hours should they choose.

Nature is a vast killing field. No bug, plant, or animal including humans can live unless other bugs, plants, or animals die. All we do is trade corporeal forms around the gaming table of existential matter.Wild animals live with one eye over their shoulders watching for predators, and the other eye looking ahead for prey. I listen to a redwinged blackbird, warbling his sweet song from a bush above the creek. How contented the sounds. In reality, orinthologists believe that the translation of that sweet song goes something like this: “This is my territory and if I catch another redwing trying to move in here, I will peck his beady little eyes out.” And that may be as close to contentment as a songbird ever comes.
Other than that, I started doing the legwork to put a small structure on my property out east to run power and communications into. I haven't decided to do it yet (I prefer Ontario to be honest, but that property is big, on the road system, and totally paid off — and you can't go wrong with $78 a year in tax load), but I want to keep it open as an option and it's been years since I've thought about it.
Anyway, time to have a shower and go to the bookstore for a Dr. Seuss book or two and one of those “how to draw” books because Nefarious really enjoys them… I used to love them as a kid as well. Experience update later today as well. I have some other BME things to do, but I am trying to stall them until school starts because then I have more time to dedicate to them properly.
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