Since the new owner of my old servers decided to pull the plug on all my remaining sites, I figured that instead of just moving them, I’d take the opportunity to redesign them. These are my first two from scratch WordPress themes (this site is based on VeryPlainTxt, one of my favorite themes), along with another theme that’s for a different CMS that I’m fiddling with.
Anyway, this is my rough work for the relaunches of my kitcar site and the winter swimming site. Both put an emphasis on simplicity and clean design. I know some might find them sparse, but I’m not a fan of how busy sites are these days, and I really like seeing just the content and not much else.

Update: Price of His Toys is running.
So one of the things I noticed going to the zoo yesterday, as well as in plenty of time at the park, is that I see tons of fat kids at the zoo, but I almost never see them at the park. About a year ago, I read an article that said that the “secret to slim kids” is just fifteen minutes of running a day… It’s sad because I think that making a child grow up obese and out of shape is one of the worst forms of child abuse because of how hard it makes them to be a healthy adult.

On that note, today’s park adventure (the photo above are the roots of one of the many maple trees that grow there) continues after the break.
I worked a bit more on The Blind Leading The Blind, building up the texture and making the colours a little less “flat”. Of course it’s in an unlined state right now, but you can see it’s much nicer than in the previous post. You can click it to zoom in, and after the break there are two projects that Nefarious did today — each is a portrait of Caitlin.

More photos after the big frog.

We went to the mall today and little remote control cars (pretty cool that they can make fully functional RC cars about the size of a Hotwheels) were $25 off, so we got the car and radio package for a whopping $4.96, picking up one for each of us. At that price, if someone wanted to build little robot projects, you’d be getting micro-servos, motor controls, and RC interfaces for far less than parts cost!

At the mall Nefarious also stopped at one of the kiosks that sells makeup and did herself up in clown makeup. I’m not sure if that sort of thing is frowned on or not but it was also quite fun.
We read for about two hours today, starting with the somewhat sad but beautiful “Blue Stone” by Jimmy Liao but the bulk of the time was spent reading “Trick of the Tail”, which has great illustrations by Tomislav Tomic and is nicely written as well — it’s shocking how hard it is to find good books, as most kids literature is complete junk. I shop at Another Story, which helps a lot as they’ve got a superior selection of stuff that’s quite hard to find.

Other than that I got my knee x-rayed again. Not too exciting but there’s some concern that there are going to be follow-up issues other than just nerve damage. You can see the lump on the side of the bone where the tumor was originally removed. I’m not sure how much of that is regrowth if any; either way it’s a very slow growing benign hunk of bone. It’s definitely not something I’m particularly concerned about, but I sure learned my lesson the first time around and if it’s something that needs intervention, it’s not going to happen after 15 years of pain again!!! (Duh!)

PS. I added more “ducks”.