Junior Mentalist

This morning I told Nefarious that when I got home from dropping her off at school, I was going to write down an object, and when she got home, she could choose one of three objects, and it would turn out to be the one I had written down, showing that I could predict what she would choose. She was amazed for a moment, and, a few minutes later, declared that she could do the magic trick as well.

She took out an envelope, and spent a moment writing in secret, and then put it down on the table, holding her hand over part of it. She asked me to choose an object — a piggy bank, a BB gun, or a stuffed bunny toy. I chose the gun, and she took her hand off of the part of the envelope she’d been covering, and said, “see, I knew you were going to pick the gun first!”

Then took the gun off the table, and said, “ok, what’s your second choice?”

I picked the bunny toy, and she said, “I knew you’d pick that next,” and opened the envelope, showing me her drawing of the bunny toy.

Taking the bunny toy off the table, she flipped over the envelope, revealing her final drawing and stating that “only the piggy bank is left.”

The trick is probably more effective with the second two reveals left out entirely — best to just get the first one right and then destroy the evidence of how it’s done — but I was impressed how she instantly picked up on the concept of being able to present any of the options she needed as the answer to match my choice. She hasn’t figured out the mechanics behind card tricks yet though (mostly due to having tiny hands), so practicing those will fill some of my time…

Other than that, she’s now swimming the full length of the pool without problem and is quite happy diving into the deep end, as well as swimming to the bottom to retrieve objects.

Project started…

I delivered my Sterling to John at The Fiberglass Workshop today, so hopefully work will start very soon. In the photos below are my Sterling, John’s Diablo VT replica (on a stretched Fiero chassis with a Caddy V8), a tube-chassis Countach replica, and a Ferrari 355 replica (also on a Fiero).

When is the moon going to land?

One of the nice things here is rewiring my stereo, complete with a network interface from a friend so I can easily play all my old CDs (long since converted to MP3). The following brief conversation happened as we had Brian Eno’s Apollo playing.

Shannon: This music is for the moon landing.
Nefarious: When is the moon going to land????


Other than that I cooked a great meal today — rare tuna flank steak and a really light mix of green veggies (sugar snap peas, green beans, asparagus, and green onions) in garlic butter with cous cous. One of the best things I’ve made in a while, and incredibly simple and done in under ten minutes from start to finish.

Tomorrow morning the work begins on getting my Sterling on the road for the first time in its roughly thirty year life… A lot of people choose to modernize their kit cars when they do the builds so much later than when the car was first created, but I am of the mindset that it’s better to try and create it with the vision of the original designer, in the time of the original designer. I think I might go all-out and even do a classic paintjob.

Anyway, this is the view looking north from our apartment. It really is remarkably treed in every direction. It’s funny how from the ground a city can look so grey, but once you get up in the air, you see just how green it is. That’s fog in the photo by the way, not smog.

Oh, and quack again.

A Green City

Here’s the view looking down at the lake from Nefarious, Caitlin, and my new place. It’s much more suitable in size — and amenities… pool — than the previous place. It’s nice getting rid of a lot of junk, and perhaps the first step in moving toward a boat. I’ve got my dream eyes on a 48′ cat. Now that I’m not tied to work every hour of the day, why not spend a few years sailing around the world?

We’re not online until Sunday though… I am just back at the old house to get my guns. Figure I might as well put my high-up balcony to some good use, now that I’ve been inspired to become an assassin by watching Wanted. a few plates and odds and ends.

Sterling Kit Car Bought!

Time to do a bit more packing, and then another afternoon of swimming. We got diving darts — darts with propellers on the end so they slowly helicopter to the bottom. It’s pretty fun tossing them from end to end of the pool. Nefarious did her first dives — cannonballs — yesterday and has been bugging me to get her a snorkel, but I told her she has to be a better swimmer before I do that, because I know it’ll just mean lungfulls of water as she sinks under the surface.

And… Woo woo! The price was right so I bought that Sterling project car today. There are more pictures on my other site if you’re interested. It’s going to be a fair bit of work to finish, but I’m really thrilled about this car and am committed to doing a good job with it.