Saturday, September 6, 2008
Right now in our neighborhood is the Junction Arts Fest, and since Nefarious absolutely loves street festivals we went up there for supper… Among other things, she caught a show by Toronto Aerial Dance, after which she got to take part in a quick workshop. She’s been asking me to sign her up for courses at Toronto School of Circus Arts (just to be clear these are two separate schools offering circus-related programs) and is even more sure after playing on the hoop and seeing this show and the busker festival a couple weeks ago — they have a kids aerial and acrobatics class that I think would be right up her alley… [picture by Caitlin]
Strange thing as I was walking through the crowd — a group of kids, maybe nine years old or so, came up to me and one of the kids asked me, “do you still have your eye tattoo? can I see it?”… So I showed him, and he was like, “see, I told you that you can tattoo your eye!” to all his friends, feeling quite vindicated it seems… I didn’t remember him but I’m assuming it must have been a kid that I saw in the park or something.
Along those lines, when I was at Morrissey’s Magic Shop the other day they had a pair of stuffed kissing pigs with magnets in the noses on the counter, so I was like “oh, let me show you something neat” to the guy at the counter, and I touched my finger to the pigs nose and had him follow me across the counter without me pushing him. The guy looked at me totally stunned until I told him about the magnet implant.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I got Rock Band for my PS3 so now I’m able to make a character for myself… on the PS2 version you can’t do that, nor can you download songs. I spent all together too much time drawing tattoos on myself! And watching Nefarious play the drums is completely hilarious — it’s like watching Animal from the Muppets or something. My only complaint about Rock Band (versus Guitar Hero) is that it’s a bit too easy — although I guess now the challenge is finishing everything on expert with five stars, rather than just finishing…

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Also in today’s park adventures, Nefarious caught three frogs (two full size ones and a little guy), each of which peed all over her hands. We walked through the forest and checked out all the puff balls and
mushrooms as well. It’s been a nice few days — school has started again, and since the pool at my building closed (summers only unfortunately until I get a membership at the pool across the street) we’ve been doing other things like rock climbing.
In “work” news, I’m quite happy with the layout on the re-release of the ModCon book, and am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my hardcover copy, and I’ve got about 40 of the interviews for the new books in at least rough completed form, with about 60 more ongoing.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Nefarious wanted to enter this month’s photo contest in chickaDEE so we went down to High Park where last time we’d been we saw a pair of extremely tame herons — we actually watched on catch a fish in front of us, from maybe five feet away. Anyway, all of these pictures were taken by her. She had a lot of fun sneaking up to get as close as she could for the photos, and then snapping wildly as they flew away.
Monday, September 1, 2008

I’ve been filling all of my spare time finishing a completely “new” version of the original ModCon book. I’ve redone the layout so it’s now in a 6″x9″ hardcover format, expanded to 200 pages with a number of photos from ModCon events that were not in the original book. You can now get both a “straight” second printing of the original book, or you can get this new one. I also redid the levels on all of the photos, so it’s got a much stronger look (I always thought the first one looked a little washed out). Click the cover on your right to jump to a page with samples and an order link. Please pass this on to others who might be interested!
I also cooked a very nice supper today, thanks in part to Caitlin biking down to the farmer’s market. I started with green bell peppers and red shepherd peppers and red onion and garlic, and then some baby zucchini. Finally, some sea scallops and wholegrain rice, and when I was done cooking, I added a half dozen different kinds of baby tomatoes. Everything had been marinated in a light lime and salt dressing, and a little tamarind and Caribbean style hot sauce as well… Quite delicious.

Nefarious isn’t usually a fan of tomatoes, so when she asked me what they were, I told her they were “yumyum balls” and she ate a whole bunch and gave them a good review before I told her I was kidding and revealed their real identity… Luckily the good review stuck.
Her swimming also continues to improve — I think she spends more time under the water than over! She can swim half way across the pool under water, and has no problem at all diving to the bottom of the 9′ section. I think our pool may close for the season tomorrow, so I’m going to have to look into my other options… There’s an indoor pool across the street from us but I don’t know the cost yet. Well, school starts tomorrow so that’s where I’m biking in the morning!