Finishing off The Abyssinian Maid is what’s next for me.
I took out the “rainbow” type emanations of the music and replaced them with something that I felt was maybe closer to the sounds I imagine in this scene.
Finishing off The Abyssinian Maid is what’s next for me.
I took out the “rainbow” type emanations of the music and replaced them with something that I felt was maybe closer to the sounds I imagine in this scene.
Continuing in my meme of mentioning what I think are underappreciated foods, I picked up one of my favorites today, ground cherries, when Caitlin and I went to the grocery store. I think we had these growing around my house when I was a kid, but I may be remembering that wrong… They have a powerful sour and sweet tangy flavor that’s completely addictive.
I watched Zeitgeist Addendum today. I had high hopes for it because I’m a big “fan” (if that’s the right word) of both John Perkins and Jacque Fresco, but I didn’t think the movie was as effective in communicating its message as the first one was (although I think it’s less “dubious” than the first one, which is a little too far out in conspiracy land). It’s worth watching, but won’t make any top docs list.
I recently read an article from a poetry or literature professor lamenting that his incoming university students were simply unable to understand the classics because they had no knowledge of the Bible and biblical stories. I think I must be one of the last years in which religious eduction was a part of the public school system — we had a nutty religious woman come in to school weekly telling us various myths from the Bible until she was canned (and never replaced) for telling diabetic kids not to take insulin, and in grade five the Gideons gave us all Bibles of our own. I guess they phased out the daily Lord’s Prayer at about the same time. I’m no supporter of religion of any kind, but it is interesting to reflect on how much culture will be lost because it uses Biblical referencing as a foundation for its story telling.
Above is the cover I roughed out as a potential for the “Kubla Khan” book. I’m pretty sure this project will finally be finished this week after far more time than expected. Whew!
Some sacred music follows.
I watched Flow: For Love of Water this morning and it’s definitely a must-see movie… It addresses what will surely be a much bigger crisis than oil — the fact that we’re running out of clean fresh water. It sums up with what I think is an important lesson that is the solution to many of the worlds big problems: In short, we don’t need a billion dollars invested in one mega-project; we need a thousand dollars invested in a million local projects. So very true.
I’m going to head to the art store with Nefarious after I pick her up from school — I need to pick up some clear top coat to mix up more glazes, as well as grabbing some more panels to paint on. The general way I build up a painting is this:
Anyway, I go through a surprising amount of top coat… I love the texture it gives (a mix of its own smoothness, and a preservation of the the rough acrylic below), and the sense of paint flowing and floating on top of the original painting. Doing this takes a fairly dull painting and gives it a “shimmering” quality that makes it feel as if it’s been plucked from inside a dream or vision, which is definitely what I’m going for in this series. I haven’t been able to get this next painting — the interior of the pleasure dome, a mix of lush vegetation and ice-filled caverns — right (it’s too busy up top), but hopefully with some new supplies it’ll move along.
Other than that, my doctors are planning on putting me into a methadone program — for pain of course, not for addiction control! After the three of the doctors who saw me at the pain clinic had their meeting, they sat me down very seriously and were like, “we think we should put you on methadone… do you know what that means?” and I was like, “well, all I really know about it was that it was on House last week”, and the lead doctor laughed and told me that everything he knew about medicine he learned from House, then paused for a moment, and then was like… “NOT!” Hahaha…
Oh, and if you didn’t see the link posted in the comments, the other recent interview I did (as in I’m the one being interviewed) has been posted on the author’s personal blog here.
Nefarious is visiting a friend today for supper, and Caitlin is at work, so I had quite a bit of time today to paint (which is literally what I did all day long). Below is some updated work on the “Kubla Khan” series (here’s the earlier versions if you’re interested in seeing how they have evolved). I’m still enjoying working on it, but it is definitely nice to be closer to the conclusion these days. The lighting was a bit dark but on the whole these are pretty accurate photos.
Caitlin and I watched “Global Metal” this morning, the study of heavy metal music around the world and follow-up documentary to the amazing “Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey“, and it didn’t disappoint — and again, I appreciate the parallels in body modification culture and heavy metal culture. I of course admit that I do download media from time to time, and I really wish that there was a way to financially support projects that you’ve obtained through non-commercial channels. I would definitely use a tip jar if it was put on Sam Dunn’s homepage (or whatever). Speaking of downloaded media, I’ve also been experimenting with whether I enjoy audiobooks, listening to them while I do other things — it’s less invasive than movies or TV. Right now I’m going through Dawkins’ “The God Delusion“, which is great, but I’m a fast reader and to be perfectly honest, I can read a book in the bathtub in a tenth the time it takes to listen to it read to me, and I think I prefer to read. But still, a better habit than TV.
Other than that, I did an interview a while back with Lukas Zpira for La Spirale (for “digital mutants”), and he’s just put up an English translation on his Hacking the Future blog. There’s also a recent interview I did with a CoBM member on their site, but I think you have to join their community site at (I haven’t seen it yet so I’m not 100% sure).