Sorry ModBlog is running a little slow right now… That Misfits skull facial tattoo is freaking out the interweb and getting linked like crazy. Since people have mentioned the photo manipulation on ModBlog before, I thought I'd show an example of the types of changes I make. This is a more blatant example involving heavy background removal — most photos are just level corrected.

I had a funny conversation with my sister (whose site is being affected by the megalinkage) about the tumor in my leg (the same general type that Terry Fox had, so I guess it's the first form of cancer that most Canadian kids know about). I don't remember it exactly but I think it went something like this:
Shannon: So I think it's probably benign because it's been there so long, and if that's the case, it shouldn't be a big deal.Ashleigh: When will they know if it's benign or malignent?
Shannon: By the end of the year I think.
Ashleigh: Is there any chance you could find out sooner?
Shannon: Sure, if I die!
Anyway, logically I think I'm in one of the lowest risk groups in terms of surviving — and even if I wasn't, there's nothing gained from worry — but I'm just getting my emotions aligned with my intellect right now… I think right now my brain is looking for things to “feel scared of” or something — is my right shin always itchy because there's cancer all through it? Do I get bruises on my right knee because the tumor is damaging surrounding tissue? Etc!
When I was at the gym earlier today I wasn't so much getting tired or sick or anything like that as just feeling emotionally exhausted… Like when your problems seem so giant you just want to collapse and let them wash over you. So instead of feeling tired, I think the best way to describe how I felt was that feeling you get right before you cry? I'm sure I'll feel better in a couple of days, because I feel like a dope being down about it.
Tom's going to help me deal with this new corrupted magnet in my hand soon… Having that burst magnet out will also help lower my stress level as well (as will Rachel having finished won her über-dangerous race through Mexico). I walked around the house feeling all the different EM fields… I'm definitely going to miss the magnets. The application has some major flaws, but on a conceptual/experiential level, I just loved it…