You know, they really need to get doctors and techs on the same page. Because it's a little disconcerting when a tech goes over your forms and then asks you, “so, what treatment have you started for your cancer?”, when your doctor hasn't mentioned that to you.

I'm not particularly worried because bone tumors tends to be relatively safe — if I'm to believe Wikipedia on osteosarcomas, I have a 66% chance of survival, although I think my changes are way way way way better than that because I'm young and healthy still*. But, I have to admit that it raises my stress levels and makes me feel a little lonely. I think that's just that psychosomatic thing where you want someone to kiss it better even if the relief is just from knowing there's someone holding your hand, you know?
The schedule got messed up for the MRI portion — I guess the hospital somehow lost the forms, so I suppose I have to go back for that later in the week or next week or something.
* And because I'm 99% sure it's been there for a long time.
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