BME/HARD Chestpiece

So yesterday Shane Faulkner (King of Fools, Toronto) laid down the first sitting of my chestpiece and I'm very happy with it. We did the whole outline and had time to start calligriphying some of it. I really think it's going to be incredible when it's finished — it's primarily lit from the barn door, and the combination of that dramatic lighting and the perspective will be great… And of course you can't go wrong with the subject matter! I think I'll enter it at NIX this summer and see what kind of response it gets, ha…

Click for explicit detail

(Sorry, it's hard to take a picture of your own chest without distorting it a little… and thanks to Roo for leaving his camera for me to use.)

I know this tattoo will end up on a lot of those “worst tattoos” sites and so on because I don't think most people understand why a straight guy would get this tattoo, and why someone would enjoy the subject matter in the first place. I'm not convinced anyone ever has to answer a “why” question on something like this except to themselves, but I do know the answers to those questions, and I'll include them in the experience…

Two more days are scheduled to finish the black and then the color goes over… It blends perfectly into my existing sleeve (the other shoulder hasn't been drawn up as high so we can do the same blend on the other arm), and does a really nice job covering up the old tribal mess…

(Original forum unavailable, sorry)*
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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