Great day and night yesterday…
The park was nice of course and relaxing, but that Matadors and The Legendary Klopeks double band battle finalé was pretty mind blowing, one of the best concerts I've ever been to of all time. I just love the show they put on, and of course Orbax did a hilarious job as MC (and a fun show with Polly). Ella did a couple of very fun burlesque acts as well, and after a bit of battling with some sound issues, My Flea Circus put on a good performance as well. We finished off with Kilean and I lighting a huge fireworks show at the same time as Zidney Fiendish did a great combination fire spinning and blowing act. Oh, and of course Havve did a wonderful knee suspension moving through a series of emotions.
I'm still tired so I hope I didn't miss anyone — thanks also to DJ Peko (who also provided the location) and Saira for filling in the gaps — and of course thanks of all most to everyone who came. Seriously, so many thank yous are owed! Oh, and as trivia I think we had about 185 people in the evening (a few more during the day) total (since that's about how many BMEfest shirts were sold). In an hour or two I'm going to go do a quick cleanup of the space and then I think head over to Le Commensal for lunch around two o'clock.

Oh and point of trivia — this is the first BMEfest that I haven't had even a single beer at!