Monthly Archives: November 2004

Talk about self-obsessed!

Seriously, what's wrong with me? Well, I suppose if I wasn't so narcissistic and self-obsessed I likely wouldn't have the drive to improve myself so maybe that's not a bad thing. I know that practically every person reading this has the same quirk, so either way I'm not too riddled with guilt about it. But for the BME 10th anniversary mini-party next week, I was thinking about printing some of these… It's my party and I'll ??? if I want to… Is that bad? Oh, and the quote (minus the typo below — the extra “the” at the start of line two) is on the back…

Shirts galore…

The master separation files for these have been send off to Ryan. However, if you want them printed, you'll have to let him know which one(s) you want and in what configuration — do that over in the BMEshop forum if you're an IAM member. Here are the options of the day:

Dan's Hearts
This is based on a photo I took of my old friend Dan doing his first suspension in his late fifties. I've made two versions of it; one with a heart in the background and one without; say which you prefer.
Kilean in the Jungle
This is also based on another old photo I took of another old friend, Kilean suspending off the old iWasCured rig. That rig was instrumental in changing a lot of people's lives I think.
Swirly Wanx Sinatra
Are you insane? Swirly sent me this photo, declaring it would make an excellent t-shirt. I wonder if the people echoing the request for printing are serious?

Pixies and New Tattoo Work

Sorry for not posting yesterday, it was a long day!

Because we will be in Mexico soon, I'm rushing to get some tattoo work done before going. All that's left on my right sleeve is some background fills and then touch ups (parts of it like the central Frank character were there before the sleeve was conceived and are I think seven years old). So we did about three hours yesterday and I figure another six will complete it:

Immediately afterwards, Saira and I went and unexpectedly met a few old and new friends at the Pixies show last night. First Sage (who used to pierce out in London and I know via my time at Stainless Studios), now more family man than piercer, said hello, and then I saw that the person sitting across from us in the hallway was wearing a BME shirt — it was velouria13 and her husband! Not long after we bumped into heddi and silentlight and their posse, and then a minute later into “anti-Leah-Anne” as well. Andrew (who used to be on IAM and I know via CHRY) and others were also in attendance… The Pixies draws a large and diverse crowd so I'm sure there were a ton of old friends there I didn't even see.


Anyway, going to a concert is a weird experience now in Toronto. Cigarettes have been criminalized, so the place doesn't reek of cigarette smoke, and all people have is pot. How Canadian is that? It's illegal to have a cigarette, but if you want to smoke your pot, well, that's fine. As idyllic as that may sound at first, they turned the volume up so loud that it really sucked for me because it was outside my range of hearing (so all I heard was noise, no music, no lyrics, nothing)… I figured out pretty quickly that if I went about five hundred feet from the stage (outside) and stood behind a wall it sounded pretty good.

For Pixies (or Erasorhead) fans I'll mention that they did a cover of In Heaven.

With or without ropes?

Which looks better?


(Original forum unavailable, sorry)*

Shirt musings

I had a bunch of shirt ideas in my head earlier today that I was going to sketch but I got thrown off kilter by having to rewrite my Moneris interface — Ryan helped me get it going, so if any of you had trouble ordering from BMEshop over the past few days, it's fixed.

Anyway, here's an idea I had for the 10th anniversary shirt. Since it's based on the photos of Dan suspending and a couple people have asked me about him recently, I'll mention that he's happy, doing well, and is still living (and wandering around) on Queen Street near the old BME HQ.

As a PS, I have this terrible feeling in my gut that I saw a very similar shirt today on threadless (great shirts!) or something… If I did and you recognize it, please let me know so I don't embarass myself making a knockoff!