Shirt musings

I had a bunch of shirt ideas in my head earlier today that I was going to sketch but I got thrown off kilter by having to rewrite my Moneris interface — Ryan helped me get it going, so if any of you had trouble ordering from BMEshop over the past few days, it's fixed.

Anyway, here's an idea I had for the 10th anniversary shirt. Since it's based on the photos of Dan suspending and a couple people have asked me about him recently, I'll mention that he's happy, doing well, and is still living (and wandering around) on Queen Street near the old BME HQ.

As a PS, I have this terrible feeling in my gut that I saw a very similar shirt today on threadless (great shirts!) or something… If I did and you recognize it, please let me know so I don't embarass myself making a knockoff!

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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