Shirts galore…

The master separation files for these have been send off to Ryan. However, if you want them printed, you'll have to let him know which one(s) you want and in what configuration — do that over in the BMEshop forum if you're an IAM member. Here are the options of the day:

Dan's Hearts
This is based on a photo I took of my old friend Dan doing his first suspension in his late fifties. I've made two versions of it; one with a heart in the background and one without; say which you prefer.
Kilean in the Jungle
This is also based on another old photo I took of another old friend, Kilean suspending off the old iWasCured rig. That rig was instrumental in changing a lot of people's lives I think.
Swirly Wanx Sinatra
Are you insane? Swirly sent me this photo, declaring it would make an excellent t-shirt. I wonder if the people echoing the request for printing are serious?

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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