Monthly Archives: December 2001

Fundraiser results

The three-day fundraiser blitz to pay for the church's member/minister card printer has raised a total of $946.01 from the IAM readers and members! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

The biggest donater donated $150!!! WOW! THANK YOU! I won't reveal his identity until he OKs it, but I hope he'll let me publicly thank him.

Anyway, I transferred the $1090 to the seller (OK, I dontated $143.99 making me bidder #2), and the printer is on it's way. As soon as it gets here I'll post pictures!

Again, thank you thank you thank you! Now to write dozens of personal thank you letters.

Some things to know about

  1. It's my best friend Saira's birthday today
  2. There's a new virus going around like crazy (the one that sends the blank messages). The FBI has been developing a key-logger virus for capturing PGP passwords and things like that. This current virus is a keylogger. Hmmm.
  3. The US government is trying to expand the wiretap laws to make it easier to tap religious and political groups.
  4. The US government today blocked Rev. Martin Howe from entering the United States. Rev. Martin is probably the most clean-cut looking person you'll find and has no criminal record, but after spending half an hour tearing apart his car and laughing and making fun of his photo album, they denied him entry.
  5. The US government blocked UN peacekeeping forces from entering Afghanistan, once again undermining international relations and destabilizing talks in the region.
  6. Amazing nerd news part one
  7. Amazing nerd news part two