Well then…

…I think I'm going to call it a night soon, at least as far as the scrapbook is concerned. I only have 150 unopened emails left, plus a small pile of things here that I have to scan. Anyway, here's two more pages:

America is not its people?

I want to attract your attention to one story and one story only this morning. Actually, just one quote, really, but it sums up what has happened to America. America was formed as a place where democracy — literally the voice of the people — was to form the country and was also to dictate the actions of the country. When the government acted, it would act for the people, under the people's will.

A noble desire!

Now let me paraquote Rumsfield: America in times of war will not listen to the public or allies. This makes if very clear that the current administration feels that they are somehow “superior” to the people who put them there (even if they weren't legally elected, the American people built the framework that they're enjoying the spoils of), and most definitely a separate institution — making you their slaves.

Let me remind Mr. Rumsfield of something very important: America is its people. Any leader who doesn't believe that to their core does not deserve to be in power, and any leader that acts contrary to that and as a result costs the lives of both American servicemen and American public deserves to be tried for treason and executed.

These are documentably evil men — men willing to trade human life for cash — and they must be removed by any means necessary. Again, they have time after time shown that they are willing to murder monstrous numbers of innocent and uninvolved people in trade for power and money. Documentably evil…


I've got to take a break from scrapping it to do a couple of tasks (that you'll appreciate for sure) for BMEshop. Anyway, here's the last two (not totally complete) scrapbook pages I've worked on. Off to the mines with me…

Nazi punks fuck off…

Well, it's always nice to wake up and find out that two of your servers are offline (the main BME box, as well as the eunuch.org box)… Working on that now… As soon as that's dealt with, back to work on the scrapbook.

Update: There's broken switch or something at USinternet. They have a couple of idiots working on it now, as far as I can tell they assigned the stupidest people they could find.

Update: It seems to be fixed, and last night's scrapbook email is coming in.

Other than that this morning I had to delete a user who decided to use IAM to broadcast pictures of himself posing in punk regalia in front of his confederate and nazi flags. Why would a person like that add themselves here? Is it not incredibly clear that bigotry isn't tolerated here?

You still think swastikas look cool
The real nazis run your schools
They're coaches, businessmen and cops
In a real fourth reich you'll be the first to go
Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Dead Kennedys

Found out as well that the guy who was deleted earlier this week for basically the same thing (the guy that just got accepted to be a cop) had been broadcasting out white power skinhead messages to people for some time here. Real nice…

OK, now… No offense, but is the “average American” (whatever that means) delusional? According to a Pew Research Center poll, 86% of Americans believe that Saddam either has nuclear weapons or is close to getting them (a claim which has been absolutely discredited over and over and over), and 66% believe he was in part behind the 9/11 attacks (which is flat out ludicrous, considering that al-Qaeda considers Saddam an enemy as well). As Eric Margolis points out, Iraq is a demolished nation of 22.3 million people, 17.7 million of whom are anti-Saddam Kurds and Shia Muslims… Only 4.6 million Sunnis even live in the country.

You're being lied to. You've been told that Saddam is as bad as Hitler. Now Bush is claiming that this is as dangerous a showdown as the Cuban Missile crisis — which is again a flat-out lie. During the Cuban missile crisis there were nuclear missiles a hundred miles off the US coast in Cuba, plus piles more on Russian nuclear subs. The world really almost did end. The main reason it didn't is because of Arkhipov, but that's another story (read it if you want). This war is about two main things: (a) corporate greed, and (b) Israel.

That said, if you really want to know who was really behind the 9/11 attacks (along with al-Qaeda), you need to seriously start asking WHY does the White House continually block independent investigation into 9/11? They've already been tried and convicted in the press of incompetence. The only thing that they COULD be hiding is the fact that they were behind the attacks. Look at the outcome? Who profited? When you answer that question — and it's very easy to answer — you'll have your culprits.

Let's start with the Halliburton Company, on account of its direct ties with the White House. It has a subsidiary called Kellogg Brown & Root, which provides mercenary services to the government of Cuba and Central Asian nations. These “private contractors” are making up more and more of the forces on both sides, and they are owned by mainstream companies like TRW, Northrop Grumman, and so on — Fortune 500 companies. You need to read this article — it is terrifying — truly messed up: America's For-Profit Secret Army (free registration required). When you're done reading that, feel free to read The Dinosaur War – To Protect Corporate Profits. It addresses among other things how there was never an 1886 Supreme Court Ruling giving corporations the rights of people (isn't it fucked up that a corporation has more rights than say, a dolphin?). The Supreme Court had ruled nothing of the sort… But I guess it's too late now?

More work…

Rachel says I'm crazy if I think I've only put in about 30 hours so far… according to her, I've put in every spare moment since moving out here into the scrapbook, and then a bunch before moving as well. So who knows. Any, I thought I'd throw up a few more sample pages as I work (note: these have not been edited yet and may well contain both typos and mis-labellings).

Remember, you have until about OCTOBER 31st to pre-order your book. After that it's softcovers only and availability isn't guaranteed! (And you don't have to have a credit card or PayPal account to order — you can mail in a money order — you'll be given that option on checkout).