More work…

Rachel says I'm crazy if I think I've only put in about 30 hours so far… according to her, I've put in every spare moment since moving out here into the scrapbook, and then a bunch before moving as well. So who knows. Any, I thought I'd throw up a few more sample pages as I work (note: these have not been edited yet and may well contain both typos and mis-labellings).

Remember, you have until about OCTOBER 31st to pre-order your book. After that it's softcovers only and availability isn't guaranteed! (And you don't have to have a credit card or PayPal account to order — you can mail in a money order — you'll be given that option on checkout).

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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