Jon and Rob test firing their potato cannon… Unfortunately the ignitor didn't spark, so a new one is currently being assembled that should be far more reliable. In the last picture, where Jon is actually firing the cannon, notice the yellow object lying in the dirt a few feet away from him — that's his hard hat. Yes, Rachel is asleep right now, or we'd never have gotten away with this!

To be genderless…

A rough shirt/sticker mockup for a friend. It's far from a final idea… Just something I'm tossing around right now. I can't take credit for the quote; James came up with it. Anyway, I've been meaning to do a eunuch-related shirt for a long time, so if people have good ideas, I'd love to hear them!

…and now to go totally rebuild BME/News so it doesn't look like crap any more.

Wheelin' and Dealin'

I've been a lot of places, seen a lot of faces
Ah hell I even fuck with different races
A white dude - his name was John
He had a Queen Bee Rules tattoo on his arm, uh
He asked me if I'd be his date for the prom
and he'd buy me a horse, a Porsche and a farm

So a friend of mine is looking to dump his 2001 Porsche… It's an awesome modded beast putting 350hp to the rear wheels (dyno'd this weekend) and just clocked at 191 mph… It's got 21,000 miles on it and is matt black, fully tinted, with 400W racing lights, a racing clutch, exhaust, widened, lowered, and so on…

…and… he's only asking me for just over $20k US for it (it's worth at least $50k US, even on a bad day)… Which means that I can take it off his hands, drive it for a year, sell it, and actually make a profit! So basically, a twist of luck has not just given me a free Porsche, but has paid me to drive a Porsche. The world sure is a kooky place.

News might be back today?

Let's quickly see what's in the news here…. I see that the White House is trying to keep the report on 9/11 classified (more), and now even the mainstream news is starting to ask “why”. What have they got to hide? What's in that report that's so damning? After all, we already know that there were major shortcomings in the way intelligence and national security were handled, right up to agents acting to specifically block investigation into the hijackers. The only thing that's left to hide is direct (presumably passive) involvement. There is no other option.

I think it's about time to quote Spock from STVI: The Undiscovered Country:

"An ancestor of mine maintained that if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

(AKA Sherlock Holmes in The Sign of Four)

Other than that, Condoleezza Rice (the US National Security Advisor) has admitted that there's a good chance that there are no WMDs in Iraq to be found (more), and the US has told the Iraqis that under no circumstances may they make any decisions regarding their oil without full approval of the US military (more). Bush declares the war over as his mercenaries* continue to kill children (more) and US Marines begin getting hit with war crimes investigations (more). The US did surrender to al Qaeda's demands regarding Saudi Arabia, but unfortunately may have made it worse by now being “forced” to occupy Iraq (more).

Oh yeah, that and the US government is teetering on bankruptcy (more).

Well, I'm off to write a “real” article now.

* A mercenary is someone who fights for money. Soldiers in my opinion fight to defend their homeland. The troops in Iraq are by definition mercenaries, as illustrated by the immediate roll-over of Iraq (ie. no credible threat) and the lack of any capability to strike back.

"Private stock"

So the “In Mod We Trust” shirt was originally designed as a “private stock” shirt (ie. not for sale, just for special give-aways to people who contribute to the max and things like that), but so many people liked it that we ended up putting in BMEshop (and I think it sold out of the main sizes in about a 48 hour period). Anyway, here's my new design.

What's a little blasphemy between friends, right?