Hello to Kiran, daughter of Saira and Michael.
(And this is not even the only new baby I met today, hello Violet, of Shane and Jovanka as well)
Hello to Kiran, daughter of Saira and Michael.
(And this is not even the only new baby I met today, hello Violet, of Shane and Jovanka as well)
First the good news. On Sunday I went to my best friend Saira’s baby shower — in theory she had plenty of time to wait still and I think they’d just (almost) finished their baby renovations days before. But theory with babies is just that and the next day she said to Michael, “I think we need to go to the hospital”, and not long after a little four and a half pound healthy baby girl was born that they’ve named Kiran.
The bad part of my entry is not unexpected (other than, as with the baby, in timing), and it’s why I have to apologize for not posting very much lately, and unfortunately I think that may well be a trend that stays that way. I’ve hardly been able to do anything for the past month, being bedridden for the majority of the days, just barely able to drag myself up and “activate” for the times I need to be there for Nefarious. I think it’s been particularly difficult because the pain and weakness in the muscles surrounding and including my shoulders becomes more pronounced as the dystrophy spreads there (something I’d been warned was already showing up on the tests, so I knew it would happen some time). Having the problems in my arms as well as my legs make everything dramatically harder, not just because you can’t offload strength tasks from your legs to your arms, but because it creates a whole-body malaise that’s hard to shake, to say nothing of pretty much everything being so painful, tiring, and physically difficult that after only a few minutes of work or activity one feels very overwhelmed with pain and nausea.
Getting back to the baby shower, even though I didn’t feel up to going, I really wanted to be there, and I did manage to make it. However, about ten minutes after Caitlin, Nefarious, and I arrived, I started feeling more and more horrible, and told Caitlin I had to leave and asked her if she could find me some plastic bags in case I was going to be sick in the truck. I made a hasty escape, but not hasty enough, and stumbled only to the door of the truck before I started projectile vomiting — something that’s rather embarrassing to be doing on a pleasant Sunday afternoon on a quiet residential street (thankfully it rained not long after). It took me a few minutes to gather myself before I could crawl into the truck and slink out of there, stopping once on the 90 second drive home because I didn’t feel safe. I’d thrown up my only meal of the last week, half a crepe. I lay down and barely moved for the rest of the day.
With all of this having gotten worse and worse over the past month, I could have sworn I was moving into my final days, or at least wished that I was so that the pain would end. Other than the guilt of leaving my responsibilities, I have no fear of dying, and am very aware that it’s the part that leads up to dying that’s the part that sucks. I imagine that dying is the easy part and don’t give it much thought. But anyway, I spent a week not even being able to hold down water if I drank it too quickly, and completely unable to eat, with even pills being difficult. The good news though is that yesterday I managed to eat a quarter of a bowl of rice and vegetables and felt pretty good for it, and I’ve been trying to drink fruit smoothies since I can’t hold down anything else. I still feel horrible but not as horrible as I have been, so I think I’m on an upward curve again. I feel like I’ll be able to eat a little tonight, and I’m drinking a strawberry/banana smoothie right now to get some nutrients and energy.
Nonetheless, I know that this is just a temporary lull and the odds of things getting better in any big picture sense are extremely low. With less and less strength available to me, it’s quite likely that I’ll be posting sporadically at best. Don’t worry, it’s because I’m investing my energy in living as well as I can, rather than investing it in the internet. Don’t get the wrong impression — my life is still a happy one, all things considered, and were it to end tomorrow I would still feel blessed.
I am however getting very sick of what feels like lying around here waiting around to die, and within the constraints of my responsibilities, I feel like there are things I can still do to make the most of my time, and more importantly, maybe inject some life into me that the medical industry seems unable to find. Before my legs gave out I wanted to walk across the country (something that a Google search tells me a remarkable number of people are doing). I do still love driving though — for example when I picked up Caitlin’s Mustang from the shop today it was very freeing being able to move easily and feel strong by proxy through the car — and I’d love to rent an RV for the summer. Or longer. Or moving to a beach in Costa Rica. Or something… anything other than waiting around to die.
Finally, I wanted to apologize to folks for not replying to my emails or comments or messages as much as is reasonable. Every day I get really wonderful really heartfelt and really touching messages from people from both the distant past and the present, and I just wanted to say that even if I don’t reply I do read all these emails and I can’t begin to tell you how much they mean to me. Thanks everyone.
If the first part was eternal as well, then why did I need to do a part two? In that sentence, “need” is a big word for only four letters, and perhaps brings one to the more relevant question of why did I really need to do a part one? That question gets even more poignant if you could peek in my skylight and see just how time consuming even something simple like filling in an iris for a mere hundred frames.
Following tradition (my tradition of getting as many fireworks as I can whenever it’s legal to launch them, not to the celebration of the birthday of a former monarch that is arguably irrelevant to my life), although not quite in quantity, we have lots of fireworks to launch… I have quite a few big finisher-type fireworks, as well as cherry bombs, strobes, dragon eggs, and other little amusements. Anyway, I’m totally looking forward to sunset. You’re welcome to stop by if you’re in the neighborhood.
We got all that stuff at a big party store which was mostly ultra-packed narrow aisles with mountains of mostly discount costumes and masks and the like — a kid’s dream store and even though it took a long time to pick out all the fireworks and pack everything up, she could have stayed much longer poking around. For the oversized hat, “we can use this to play Harry Potter!” (ie. the sorting hat if it’s not obvious), and for the other, there was no explanation but it looked quite spooky.
I hadn’t planned to go to this particular place — my original plan was much sloppier, in which I was just going to pick up a couple packs of fireworks from a convenience store, but Caitlin wanted to head out to IKEA to grab some new fabric for her most recent sewing project. I took a break and sat and read on my Kindle as Caitlin and Nefarious took the long meandering path through the store. I met them at the other end as I caught Nefarious out of the corner of my eye climbing around on a bank of self-checkout units trying to figure out how to log in to the admin functions.
I have to keep an even closer eye on her on her computer these days, because she’s been keenly watching me, trying to figure out how I order things online, and I have the worry that one day soon I am going to get a particularly large and expensive delivery of toys.
I got another new cane this past week, one that was custom made for me. Sorry it’s not a very good picture, but below you can sort-of see three canes. The first one, on the left, I’ve had for years. Jon and Nefarious walked down to the local Shopper’s Drugmart and got it for me after my very first leg surgery. The middle one is my Cold Steel fighting cane with the skull top on it, and the one on the right, which I just got, is a Ross Taylor cane that I had custom made for me (so it’s exactly the right height). It’s made from “the reproductive organ of an American Buffalo”.
Picking Nefarious up from school recently, I overheard one of her friends whispering to her, “it doesn’t look like a wiener…”
In any case, my apologies to the well-hung buffalo from whom I demanded the ultimate sacrifice.
Sometimes little things bother me. This blog post is about some of the minor annoyances I have struggled with in the last few days. I guess “struggled with” is uncessessarily aggrandizing, so let’s replace that with “noticed”, since rather than calling out to the heavens and the spirits of my ancestors in anguish, it’s mostly limited to having a one-sided rant at Caitlin about it.
For example, take this ad for Tracfone (some sort of discount cellular carrier I think — I don’t know anything about them other than they ran an ad — the one below — in Star magazine which I assure you was not mine and I have no idea how I came to be reading it). The thing that bugged me was that in the small-legal-text of the ad (and also on some of their websites) it says “the stylized spiral is [a] registered trademarks of TracFone Wireless, Inc”. Argh! Three concentric circles are not at all the same thing as a spiral, not visually and not conceptually! I could go on and on about the subtleties of mixing them up, but either you’re a person who doesn’t care and I’m boring you, or you’re a person who does care, and you’re already having those thoughts without my seeding, and again, I’m boring you.
Along the same lines, I was looking at an article about the pink katydid, and it said something that struck me as a bit odd — “the pink katydid is so rare that they occur once out of every 500 individuals. You have a better chance of spotting a unicorn in the wild. I get that writers are not usually accomplished statisticians, but come on — I’m sure that the odds of spotting a unicorn in the wild are much lower than one in five hundred. Maybe their humor is going over my head.
Earlier today I was [half] watching [half sleeping through] the 1916 silent version of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, excerpted in Dive! Dive! Dive!, a documentary about submarine movies, and in it Captain Nemo is an even more exotic character with a sort of a theosophical society look about him. The thing that caught my eye was the odd piercings that Nemo has. They’re not earrings, but surface piercings on his neck. The capture here is not very good, sorry, but there are plenty of shots of it in the movie and I’m pretty sure it is supposed to be a neck piercing, not just a poorly done prosthetic earring.
The annoyance in this one is that I don’t have a body modification blog to post much more on this to, and worse yet, that with ModBlog these days being virtually un-updated and not particularly interesting when it is, there isn’t even anyone that I can send leads to, which sucks because I’d love to have an interesting body modification blog to read daily and I just don’t see one out there — although there are tons of great tattoo blogs these days, just not something that is similar to the first-generation of ModBlog — and I have (almost exactly) two more years before I could run such a blog.
Other than that, oooooh, Survivor, letting me down again. Just like I said last time, RUSSELL WAS ROBBED! (and I know, for the second time I’m far from the only person who feels this way. Jeff Probst, writing on his ride home after wrapping the season, has some interesting comments on Russell, but for me it’s really heartbreaking watching him lose, because you can tell that he really can’t understand why he doesn’t win, and why people after the game don’t love him. As a big fan of the game, I think he feels really personally hurt to be “rejected” by the players he looks up to, and that it’s emotionally very hard for him. And I have to admit, that as a big fan of the game and a big fan of the way he played, I really feel for him and have a lot of resentment to the vindictive juries that insulted the game with their actions and blocked a superior player from getting the money. Or maybe, like Russell, I just don’t get it… I’m sure he’ll play another season, and like he said, having played back to back he really did essentially play a single time only, so I wonder how that will go after he’s had time to reflect on his strategy.
But other than that, great season.