Just a quick note; BMEshop now has a toll-free order number for Canada and the United States, so now if you are using call-in credit card (just pick it when you go through check out and it'll all be explained; it's really easy) you don't have to pay for the call. The number is included in all the ordering emails.
I've started work on the integration of the new online billing system as well, but we've of course got to jump through various paperwork hoops to get that all out of the way, but it's no big deal — definitely that'll be in place by the end of this coming month.
Also, with great shame I realize that I totally forgot to give out the coupons for the top contributors from last month's newsfeed. Here are the top contributors:
- rebekah – 151 stories
- codebleu – 21 stories
- glider – 15 stories
I'll give my coupon away in the sponsorship forum since I've got mine paid up. I should note that while it may seem like Rebekah is the unbeatable juggernaut of the newsfeed, there's a battle heating up this month between her and Ribibe who is catching up fast.
Anyway, other than that, I just had one of those “I must run out and take a photo of that sunset, even if it means a hundred mosquito bites!” moments… Here's what it looked like, for all of thirty or fourty seconds — it's such a momentary phenomena…

On the train home, it was very full. As always, a bunch of business men with truly sad lives… It broke my heart to look at all the laptops with backgrounds set to pictures of their children and realizing that these men with good jobs were sacrificing four hours of their day to transit.
Anyway, when we got on the train, every seat set was full — with one person and one empty seat. No seats for couples… As is typical, when Rachel and I sat across from one another, not a single person offered to move to allow us to sit together. Whenever I'm on the train by myself I always make an effort to exercise common courtesy and help couples sit together, but it's a very rare drive it seems.
The guy sitting next to me — reading an article in some business magazine (didn't see the title; the guy in front of me was reading “American Banker”, which seemed the norm) about how laws that restrict dating between 35 year olds and 16 year olds are repressive. Yeah, who gives a damn about corporate oppression — let's just make sure that old dudes can get fresh meat.
Anyway, he couldn't get his wine bottle open (trains here serve beer and wine), wheezing away at the screw off top. I offered to help him with it. He insisted that “it was really stuck”, but it opened for me without any difficulty. Choose your own moral of the story. There are many…