Three Eyes II, More Tippy Pigs, Metallic Skull Boxes

What with all the rain today a few more projects were wrapped up — although I didn’t do the jewelry casting I’d hoped to do because I misplaced some of my silicone putty. Anyway, let me get right to it and start with pictures of the second in my “leftovers” collection of three eyed fellows. I embarrassed myself having to paint this guy twice because instead of spraying him with clear glaze I accidentally hit him with gold spray paint, ack!!! But it still turned out fun. You can see number three (unpainted) in the background, with a removable snake draped over his/its shoulders.

All the pictures in this entry can be clicked to zoom big.

I can’t take credit for the next two entirely, because Nefarioius is back to making Tippy Pig characters and created these two, a double-headed siamese pig connected at the butt (I will leave off the “anatomically correct” hole that she put in the middle from the photo set), and a girl wearing a coconut bra! The siamese pig is wearing gold metallic body paint, and both of them were painted by me under art direction from Nefarious with the exception of the metallic which she cast a vehement vote against but I think was at least partially sold on it by the end.

Finally, here is where I’m at with the skull “boxes”, which are clay webs/lattice (scaffolding?) laid into skull molds and then cut and hinged. The larger skull, that’s got the split lid, also has magnets in the lid to hold it closed. The fittings are brass but right now they’re painted. I may strip that paint but I’m not sure yet. It was a headache getting them fitting perfectly but after the first one I had learned a lot and it’s much faster now. That said, I don’t really have an end vector or purpose for these so I’m kind of stalled and have just put them on my shelf as a perhaps perpetually “almost finished” project crash.

I do like how they look though. I’m not sure what I’m doing next other than the little things I’ve mentioned. I’m really feeling very down about my illness and the ineffectiveness of my treatment options so I am doing my best to stay distracted. So I’m thinking about a chess set in my cartoony sculpture style featuring the Hindu pantheon, as well as a double-scale fully functional sub machine-gun made out of chocolate. Or something. I wonder if that would be legal, making a 100% accurate and complete replica weapon out of chocolate (or even plastic), what with Canada’s oddly draconian replica gun laws. It can be hard to get filming permits for replica guns, so I remember laughing once watching some “true crime” show and seeing that the bad guys were using broomsticks with coffee cans duct taped to them, painted black, as stand-ins for Tommy guns. The shots were fast so I doubt many people noticed, but for those that did, hilarious.

Ol’ Three Eye [waving ol' one eye in the wind]

Well, the weekend is here and I am hoping that I have managed to recover from last weekend’s damage. I think I have, just barely and just in time, so I’m going to look forward to it until I have reason to do otherwise. I made this little pictured fellow last night. I got some new paints in the mail and the photo doesn’t do the color justice (and I didn’t realize until seeing the photos at full zoom that he’s awfully dusty here). He has a similar friend that I haven’t had a chance to paint yet, and I also spent today doing some [faux... but convincing] metal plating on my skull boxes that I have high hopes for and I will likely post soon, and later tonight I’m going to see if I can find the energy to make molds of some jewelry I have on the go.

But now I think it is just about time to kick Nefarious off her Friday TV fest (the only day she’s allowed that mind-numbing cartoon indulgence) and switch to reading, with great reluctance and pleading I’m sure. We’re about 250 pages into the delightfully eccentric Order of Odd-Fish by James Kennedy, which I bought on the recommendation of Cory. The book reviews are actually one of the best parts of BoingBoing lately and seem to have a superb young adult and even kid leaning, so Nefarious has enjoyed quite a few suggestions (recent examples including Axe Cop and How Mirka Got Her Sword).

Free bikes and other fun

I got a bit too ambitious this weekend and spent two days in a row with extended time at the park including a long hike through the hills in addition to baseball practice and sword fighting a la Nerf. It was fun at the time but I’m still in a lot of pain from it and hope that I am healed by the next weekend. It doesn’t help that in my home time I did a lot of work with the Dremel that has left me with somewhat crippled hands and forearms. I haven’t scheduled my EKG yet but at times like this a morbid part of me hopes that the tests show something horribly and terminally wrong with my heart, simply to put a scheduled “end” on the calender to put me out of my misery… So I try and keep enough fun — and enough rest — to still keep things enjoyable even though pain is the primary sensation mated with a slow grind to paraplegia.

Just to be clear I have been successful so far!

I have a nice little collection of little left-over silly ghosties sitting here. As I mentioned before, I make these out of the clay bits that I have as remainders from bigger things. Once the A+B halves are mixed, the clay has to be used, so these little fellows get created with any I can’t use on the main task. I enjoy them sometimes more than the primary object… Go ahead and click to zoom in.

The main thing that I’ve been working on as said primary object is a full scale skull box in sort of a framework design, with lots of holes in it. It’s been a real headache getting the fit of the hinged sections perfect, but I’ve finally got it. Now it’s just a matter of doing the finishing work, and I’m still undecided on the specifics.

Oh, and also in the good news department, we snagged a pile of bikes and a wheelchair from next to the garbage bin at our studio… People are always throwing out interesting things. Maybe we’ll cut them up and re-weld them into some fun mutant bikes.

Yay free bikes!

Other than that, enjoying tonight’s reality TV and trying to rest as much as I can while still having fun.

A LONG (!) list of projects and creations

This post is definitely what we call a BANDWIDTH HOG!

Well, well…. once again quite some time has passed since I last posted so I think I’ll stick to the nice things that have happened since I last wrote and post a collection of the different projects that I’ve completed since the last post. It’s not as much as I’d like because I’ve been having trouble being up and about and all too many days have been spent doing nothing but resting as I haven’t had the strength to do much more. Today was good, and I spent an hour hiking through the off-trail hills in high park with Nefarious and a friend she made in the playground. As we walked, his father trailed us, playing some sort of a handheld steel harp and singing gently in an African language which made the walk even more worth undertaking, even if I’ll spend the next few days paying for daring the climb. I do not anticipate any bad news but I got my requisition a few days ago for my heart test (an EKG) to make sure none of the medication is damaging it.

Alright. Let’s get started on the meat of the entry. First of all, here are a couple of Lego figures. I made the ghost (for lack of a better label) and Nefarious made the ladder. As you can see both attach to the Lego blocks just fine because they have peg holes molded in.

Caitlin liked the little figures that I made for Nefarious and asked me to make her one too for a necklace so I made this little skull-masked fellow. I like how the details and the hand/foot shape turned out. Painting his robe with the snake and strawberries was quite tricky and I had to do it with a brush trimmed down to just a couple bristles!

Quite a long time ago I cast a set of plastic bugs when I was testing some reusable mold-making compound, and I finally got around to painting the set. You can click on the first picture to zoom in (it’s the only zoom-able picture in this post). In the second photo you can see that I mounted cylindrical magnets into the bottoms so they work well as fridge magnets.

I made this silly fellow with the clay masters of the gloves that I made for the child soldier toy. I don’t particularly like how it turned out, but still, I have developed an obsession about trying to turn all my leftover scraps into something fun, so at least that’s something…

Here’s another silly “ghost”. I do quite enjoy making these guys because they’re so fast and easy to create and are quite cute. Sculpting them only takes a couple minutes but I’m such a slow painter that I guess I may be stretching the word “fast” a little.

Now here’s a project that I’m very happy with, and one where the pictures just don’t do it justice. I had a crappy skull made out of hard foam that I cast a while back that’s been waiting for a project to give it some value. Nefarious recently had some boots fall apart, so instead of just tossing them I cut them up and salvaged all of the faux-suede/leather. After painting the teeth (including a gold tooth) and the nose and eye sockets, I used a glue gun to “skin” the entire skull with a patchwork of leather, plus a furry hairdo made of a discarded stuffed animal’s hide. To finish it off I made a couple of eyeballs, although they’re not glued in place and are removable. Perhaps one day I’ll get ambitious and put the eyeballs on a servo so it can look around the room and freak people out.

I also made a tiny little container, so small that I’m not even sure what could be kept in it — gemstones perhaps? It’s nothing too exciting, but the lid is nicely made with a lip, and it was my first try at doing flocking. I sprayed the inside with glue and then covered the surface with fabric fluff, so it has a sort of velour finish to it. Mostly a learning project.

After supper Nefarious spend half an hour biking laps around the buildiing and returned with a smooth rock that caught her eye. She asked me to engrave it for her, so she drew what she wanted and I carved it. She likes the idea of leaving it on a beach at some point so that a thousand years from now archeologists find it and attribute some supernatural goddess value to her. I thought it was going to be hard to do but it was surprisingly easy.

Finally, I got some metallic “mirror finish” chrome spray paint, so I quickly cast a copy of a cat skull and sprayed it. It is as advertised… I’m not sure if I have any “real” plans for it, but I’m sure I’ll come up with something.

Other than that, there are an equal number of in-progress and just-started and eternally-only-started projects lying around. Depending on my health you may well see a similar post to this in another week. Hope all is well. I apologize to anyone I haven’t replied to… I really am not exaggerating that I’ve mostly just spent the week resting. Don’t let the long lest of projects mislead you… At any give moment I ws far more likely to be prone than creating, let alone using the computer.

As always, apologies for not bothering to proof-read the above.

Psychedelic mini-bowl (toy sword vase?)

My desk is always covered with a mixed pile of in-progress tiny projects. The reason for this is that when I’m making something with Apoxie clay, which needs to be used within an hour because it hardens so qiuckly (with a full rock-hard cure in a day), I always have a bit left over and I have to choose between wasting it (and at over $10 a pound I’m not going to do that) and coming up with something immediately. The bowl was made with a mix of left overs: first I made a hard mold on a bunch of Nefarious’s dolls’ faces, and once they were hard I used those molds to make a copied face. Then I turned it into a container by blending into a tiny clay container shell, hanging it upside down to harden which gave me the organic or fabric sort of appearance. On the two final left-overs cycles I flipped it over and made tripod legs so it would stand nicely, and then squished some clay on the inside of the bowl so as to make it smooth without crevices from the folded shape.

Of course the final stage was to sand it so it wouldn’t be covered in bumps and finger prints and all that. Wrapping up the finishing I painted it (which was so much simpler because of the final smooth-out application of clay). If you want to see some more pictures, there are a bunch of others on the next page. Oh, and as expected, I spent most of the day comatose, but I still managed to achieve small successes that I’ll post another time.
