Psychedelic mini-bowl (toy sword vase?)

My desk is always covered with a mixed pile of in-progress tiny projects. The reason for this is that when I’m making something with Apoxie clay, which needs to be used within an hour because it hardens so qiuckly (with a full rock-hard cure in a day), I always have a bit left over and I have to choose between wasting it (and at over $10 a pound I’m not going to do that) and coming up with something immediately. The bowl was made with a mix of left overs: first I made a hard mold on a bunch of Nefarious’s dolls’ faces, and once they were hard I used those molds to make a copied face. Then I turned it into a container by blending into a tiny clay container shell, hanging it upside down to harden which gave me the organic or fabric sort of appearance. On the two final left-overs cycles I flipped it over and made tripod legs so it would stand nicely, and then squished some clay on the inside of the bowl so as to make it smooth without crevices from the folded shape.

Of course the final stage was to sand it so it wouldn’t be covered in bumps and finger prints and all that. Wrapping up the finishing I painted it (which was so much simpler because of the final smooth-out application of clay). If you want to see some more pictures, there are a bunch of others on the next page. Oh, and as expected, I spent most of the day comatose, but I still managed to achieve small successes that I’ll post another time.


  1. Andrew wrote:

    I always love looking at the things you and your daughter make. Wish I had such a creative dad.

    What kinds of paints do you use?

    Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 10:14 pm | Permalink
  2. rosie wrote:

    I *LOVE* this!

    Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 10:37 pm | Permalink
  3. Ryan wrote:

    Shannon, just wanted to say that today (well, it’s after midnight, but you know what I mean) reminded me of your many great April Fools pranks over the years…you’ll always be the master!

    Friday, April 1, 2011 at 10:08 pm | Permalink
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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