Happy July 4

Today is the 71st anniversary of Hungarian physicist Leó Szilárd's filing of the nuclear chain reaction patent which formed the core of the nuclear bomb's functionality… America later imported him to help other European scientists on the Manhattan Project which eventually plunged us into decades of cold war hell and was instrumental in bringing about our current state of perpetual war.

I got a message this morning telling me, among other things, that I needed to stop criticizing the US government since it was thanks to America that I was even allowed to speak English and have free speech. That kind of surprised me, because after wracking my brain's history archives, I couldn't think of any situation where a land invasion of modern North America would even be plausible — it's not as if the Ruskies were about to roll tanks across thousands of miles of Siberian wasteland and then float them over the Bering Strait into Alaska and across the Yukon.


America is often compared to the Roman Empire, for a wide variety of reasons, but I'd like to briefly talk about its attitudes toward engineering. Unlike the Greek, Indian, or Muslim cultures, the Romans actually made very few independent contributions to science. They were on the other hand brilliant at appropriating it and applying it, which helped them grow to be a monstrous empire — but it also meant that in the end they stagnated and were unable to adapt, especially after widespread Christianity (“all men are created equal”) put a stop to much of their slave trade.

In the early days of the United States, the US government ignored all foreign patents, trademarks, and copyrights, allowing it to quickly build up its technological might, even though few of the inventions were domestic in creation. Coupled with abundant local oil giving large amounts of power, copious natural resources, slave labor (which later became cheap labor, and was eventually sourced overseas in foreign slavery — sweatshops, workers in nations with lower health standards, and so on), it allowed America to build to the top of the global food chain. Unfortunately, while like the Roman Empire application was brilliant, actual innovation was limited, and grows less and less every year.

Because of the precarious nature of America's extreme economic bulk, I worry that it has hit the tipping point where it will soon crumble, unable to adapt to a world where the nations that once supplied slave labor become equals. US citizens are now uneducated to the point where the US state governments are spending a quarter billion dollars a year in remedial writing classes for their employees, reporting that two thirds of their clerical staff have “inadequate literacy”.

That brings me to the story of the new $800 million North American Toyota plant that will built the RAV-4. The US had offered hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies if Toyota would be willing to build it in America, but Toyota declined, choosing to place it in Ontario, Canada instead. The reason? American workers are too uneducated to work in a high tech factory without supplementary training that makes it a financial impossibility, plus privatized American healthcare is so expensive that it costs more to employ American workers once they're unionized and actually have to be given a living wage and benefits.

I mentioned here before that 68% of all US taxation now goes to support war. To put that into context, this year nearly a trillion dollars will be spent on the US military. To further put that into context, if that number was simply cut in half, America could offer world class education to all of its citizens including free university educations (solving the issues mentioned above), as well as free healthcare, free universal high-speed Internet access, and still have enough money left over to “cure” poverty, disease, and hunger in Africa. Or simply slash taxes to a fraction of what they are now.

But I guess war is more important, right?

If you don't think so, you need to speak up with your votes, and you need to speak up by writing and calling your government officials and your media. You can change America, but you have to stand up and do it. America has the momentum to become something great, but it's at its most precarious stage — the next twenty-five years will decide whether America crumbles (or explodes), or if it blooms.

America, become that shining city on the hill!

We <3 gasoline

According to Texas oil analyst Matt Simmons, oil may be at $100 per barrel by this winter (how will I power my computer), which would bring gas prices to about $4 per gallon — meaning that driving the average American SUV car a mile will cost a quarter (or worse). I think Sweden has the right idea — not only bring back your train system, but power it with rotting organic garbage.

If gas gets out of hand, the above will be my new sportscar… but in all seriousness, I still really want to build a biogas car. I know that if I start a company that designs, builds, and markets them they could become the 21st Century's killer automotive product (or maybe air power will dominate instead… I could be wrong). If you're reading this and are a competent engineer or mechanic and want to go in on something like this, drop me a line.

Other than that, I see that the Live 8 concerts managed to produce monstrous amounts of garbage, with over six pounds of trash per person left lying in the Park. Ah, saving the world with overconsumption…

Take the challenge!

Is that my silhouette?

I'm currently uploading a ton of pictures to the BMEfest galleries and other BBQ/culture sections, but before that, let me share with you a cool poster that MisterV sent me:

You may remember that I recently posted a link to an article by Dr. Diamond suggesting that humanity's “worst mistake” was leaving the hunter-gatherer phase and becoming farmers in terms of health and social issues. This documentary is about his Pulitzer Prize winning book of the same title discussing how local environments shaped societies and the direction they took more so than biology.

Diamond can tend to be a little one-sided in his opinions on this subject, but if you're in an area that gets PBS, consider checking this out… it stars next Monday.

I know there's an answer

As is quite obvious if you've read my page for any time, as much as I've been very successful in “Western society” in all its complexity, I really long for a simpler life, a better way of being. My dream personally is living the cruising life, sailing around the world over and over, visiting all those magical places that can't be reached by any course but that of the ocean.

Some time next year I want to take about two weeks off and do a sailing charter through Tahiti and French Polynesia. Hopefully I can rope Barry and Jen into the trip, but another couple or two would be good for brining the costs down. I'm looking at chartering a crewed 50+ foot catamaran sailboat and exploring the islands. Below are a variety of photos of what I'm talking about.

If you think this is something you'd be interested in doing, it wouldn't be a cheap trip, but it would be absolutely amazing and life changing (aren't all things?)… Drop me a line if you think you'd like to do this. It can also be set up as a training mission for those seeking to learn to sail a larger craft. That's part of my motivation, because while I'm proficient in smaller fresh-water sailing, I've never sailed anything over twenty feet personally, and certainly not on the open sea.

It's possible that I spend too much of my time dreaming of a better life, but in reality, I think it's far more likely that most of us spend our time convincing ourselves that such a better life doesn't even exist.

Waiting for AC

…so I decided to open up my computer and blow out the dust:

That big CAUTION-covered thing in the bottom right is an enormous heat sink that draws molten lava off the desktop CPU they've jammed inside. I was actually surprised how little dust has built up inside, but it's probably still a good idea to periodically open it up and blow it up.

Other than that I spent the day reading for a change (a book on ancient engineering), and doodling pictures of the boat I want to build one day, a massive (100+ foot) trimaran in the shape of a manta ray. Can anyone here that's a sailor tell me why wingsails aren't more popular? Wingsails are the technology I want to build the boat around, and while they're fairly rare, they seem to me to be the ideal way to propel a sailboat.

Well, I'm going to power down again. I've got about two hours to wait before the AC is up and running again. It sucks a little because it means the work that I'd planned for today becomes the work I'm planning for tonight — meaning the sleep I'd planned for tonight becomes the sleep I fail to get.

Bis interimitur qui suis armis perit

I mentioned recently how Canada has now legalized gay marriage (and Spain just did as well), and of course you know that recent US law changes have chased BME out of America and put Rachel and I at risk of arrest if we step foot inside its borders (even me as a Canadian)… But I wanted to mention one other fascinating legal change in Canada:

The Ontario Human Rights Commission has said that discriminating against people with piercings or tattoos is a violation of our Human Rights Code. (!!!)

Now, I'm sure a lot of people think that's going too far (and maybe it is), and it's currently a non-binding interpretation from them, but it's pretty bold on their part, and I think goes well with the PM's statement that Canada is “a nation of minorities”.

I'm not going to tell you this is ethical, but it's sort of funny?
After catching this catfish in South Africa, the submittor put a ring
through the hole from the hook and returned it to the water… I can't
imagine what the next person to catch it will think.

Anyway… back south of the border, the US government (who just voted themselves a pay raise) are trying to ban people with “liberal politics” (or dual citizenships) from owning baseball teams (although neo-Nazis are still allowed to) — sadly, I kid you not. And in Chicago, the insane war on drugs has now expanded to even making anything that tastes similar to pot illegal.

Journalists now face prison time if they don't open their records to the US government, new spy agencies open all the time, kids are being tricked into joining the military and then screwed out of their benefits with fine print (while their parents are forced to buy their gear), and privacy rights are being repealed (especially if it relates to abortion). That said, it's not all bad. Maybe you're one of the richest 1% in America — in that case you're doing splendidly. Never mind that your Iraqi war profiteering (yay for depleted uranium profits) is “wasteful and potentially corrupt” and riddled with “fraud and greed”.

I'm sure the ultrarich are thanking “God” (this is a corporate theocracy) that the average voter is stupid enough to believe Bush's constant claims that 9-11 and Iraq are linked — hell, everything is linked with 9-11 these days. It certainly filled the recent Bush speech, and some Republicans are still directly linking it, even though every shred of evidence suggests the opposite… I'm starting to get the impression that the average American is a coward — hit them once (a la 9-11), and all you have to do is remind them they got hurt once and you can force them with fear to do anything you want. And the amazing thing is these depths of cowardice are wrapped up in the most vitriolic patriotic rhetoric.

Don't dare criticize your masters. Look at Senator Durbin, who'd criticized the US use of torture (killing dozens of innocent people in the process) — he was first forced to apologize for saying torture was wrong (not that this is anything new), and then got ripped to shreds for doing so. Or look at nutcase Robert Franz, an arsonist who lit private homes on fire, has 91 arrests under his belt, and convicted this time of 25 cases of arson… He got seven years for damaging millions of dollars worth of private property and risking the lives of hundreds of people. On the other hand, take Jeff Luers. As an act of political protest he lit three SUVs on fire at a dealership — he got 22 years in prison.

Ah, priorities.