Waiting for AC

…so I decided to open up my computer and blow out the dust:

That big CAUTION-covered thing in the bottom right is an enormous heat sink that draws molten lava off the desktop CPU they've jammed inside. I was actually surprised how little dust has built up inside, but it's probably still a good idea to periodically open it up and blow it up.

Other than that I spent the day reading for a change (a book on ancient engineering), and doodling pictures of the boat I want to build one day, a massive (100+ foot) trimaran in the shape of a manta ray. Can anyone here that's a sailor tell me why wingsails aren't more popular? Wingsails are the technology I want to build the boat around, and while they're fairly rare, they seem to me to be the ideal way to propel a sailboat.

Well, I'm going to power down again. I've got about two hours to wait before the AC is up and running again. It sucks a little because it means the work that I'd planned for today becomes the work I'm planning for tonight — meaning the sleep I'd planned for tonight becomes the sleep I fail to get.

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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