Gone swimming…

Rachel and I went out to the beach today. After a couple margueritas at Tecolote we drove back to Balandra which is a very nice shallow sand beach that's populated mostly with baby puffer fish and stingray. We swam across to the other side, probably about a thirty or forty minute swim but I'm kind of out of shape so it was much needed and very tiring exercise. I had entirely too much fun diving down and screaming at the puffer fish to make them inflate and scoot off, and then we spent a few minutes tailing a stingray along the bottom until it buried itself in the sand.

On the way home there was a monster truck — “Baby Monster” — parked in front of the Modelo beer store… It looked like a pretty fun toy but I don't think that's street legal even down here (not that it matters; people drive four-wheelers through town all the time… but I suppose that was true when we lived in Miramichi, Canada as well, and in Tweed, people drove snowmobiles into town all the time).

Anyway, I had a really nice day today, it was good to take a break and just relax out in the ocean.

ba ba ba ba ba ba boom

Oh hells yeah bring on the apocalypse

Please let it be nuclear.

PS. If you're a human you are stupid.

Body Piercing = Good For All Ages
Mass Murder = Bad For All Ages

Dangerous Times

I think people would be surprised — and I hope a little saddened — to know how many friends of mine are stuck over there right now (and there are a lot of IAM members and spouses/partners of IAM members actively serving as well). Someone close to me is leaving very soon (not the person in the photo), so I thought it might be a good time to do a small update on the UnderMars soldiers' photos gallery. Click on my friend Rob's snapshot to go there now.

If you or someone you know wants to be a part of this site, all they have to do is send the photos to undermars@gmail.com along with any description they'd like me to include (otherwise I'll just use the filename as the caption). The site is 100% non-political and simply serves as an uncensored scrapbook of people's first hand experiences.

Fight the power

I just did this brief interview about the body modification bans propsed by “Dr.” David Graham. I'm archiving it here so I have a record of it.

Briefly, could you describe the purpose of BMEzine and your role there?

BME is “body modification ezine”, an online publication that covers body modification in the sense of tattoos, piercings, scarification, and heavier work as well. I have run it now for over ten years and am the publisher and editor.

What is “skin braiding?” Does it exist?

Skin braiding is an urban legend and does not exist. It's a procedure involving cutting three or more strips of skin, braiding them, and letting it heal like that. Problem is, it doesn't work — and any scarification artist would know this, so to the best of my knowledge it hasn't even been tried. I believe that the source of the term is from misidentification of scarification of Celtic knotwork designs using traditional cutting.

How prevalent are complications/infections resulting from some of the practices (tongue piercing, nose piercing, scarification, etc.) that Dr. Graham refers to?

The complications from most body modification procedures are extremely limited, and the “studies” claiming the opposite are effectively fraudulent, making mistakes like confusing normal lymph and dead tissue discharge during initial healing for “infections” and so on, as well as using sample groups so small as to make the studies irrelevant. The statistical fact is that you are more likely to be hit by lighting then you are to get a debilitating complication from a body modification procedure.

Do you feel that aftercare instructions for body modification procedures are adequate at this point?

It's not as if healing a body modification is that complicated. Keep it clean, keep your and other people's hands off it, get plenty of rest, eat well, and it'll be healed before you know it. Very few body modifications stress the body particularly far. The biggest problems often come from too much aftercare, which can lengthen and complicate healing.

What do you feel is the motivation behind this proposal? Are you aware of any public concern regarding these practices?

The motivation behind bans on body modification is a mix of bigotry and ignorance, a knee-jerk reaction devoid in empathy to desires they don't understand. As far as public concerns, I'm sure there are people who want it banned, but it's really none of their business. I'm sure there are plenty of white folk that don't want blacks moving into their neighborhood either, and I'm sure there are plenty of Muslims who would rather that people not pray to Jesus. But people have a right to dictate the path of their own lives, so “public concern” is irrelevant in my opinion.

Do you see this as more of a health issue or a civil liberties issue?

It is entirely a civil liberties issue. The risks from body modification are miniscule in comparison to driving a car, playing football, smoking, and many other things that are perfectly legal.

Are there any forms of body modification that you feel would merit this form of ban?

If a person doesn't have the freedom to control their own body, then they are not free. No ban on body modification of any kind is acceptable.

If this ban were to pass, do you think that it would sufficiently deter practitioners from performing these modifications?

Banning body modification doesn't change whether it's done or not. It simply pushes it underground, which has the side effect of making it more dangerous by increasing the likelihood that the people doing the procedures are disreputable practitioners who don't care about things like minimum standards — so these bans claiming to protect the public actually harm the public instead.

Do you believe that the body modification industry should be regulated by state and/or local governments (certifications, safety standards, etc.)?

Minimum standards ensuring control of cross contamination and so on are essential, but they must be reasonable and they must be written with industry involvement so as not to restrict people's rights.

What is your stance on the usage of piercing guns for piercing?

Some modern piercing guns are in theory safe on earlobes. However, they're incredibly limited as a tool in terms of placement and jewelry options, and in my opinion are almost always the best way to identify an incompetent and inexperienced piercer.

Could we have a phone number/email address that you can be reached at for future reference?


Sammichtime, beat beat!

So I'm getting made fun of for my cooking. Tom says everything I cook looks the same, and Rachel teases me about always taking photos of it. But that's OK… Anyway, because I liked my previous avocado sandwich so much I decided to make another slightly different one:

There's a layer of sliced avocado, then a layer of roasted zucchini with a light brown sugar and garlic sauce, and on top of that are beets, which also make up the side salad. The beets are cooked in a tangy balsamic Dijon dressing (simple: vinegar, dijon mustard, and a little sugar). It turned out pretty well but I was impatient and probably didn't cook the beets quite long enough so I hope it doesn't give me a stomach ache. I have a few more beets left over so I think I may make borscht for supper.

Oh, and (after a bit of faxing confirmations to ensure that I'm not a credit fraud artist) I ordered the car part in the previous entry. They say it'll ship in two or three days, so hopefully next week I'll be out driving it finally! I really, really can't wait…