Sammichtime, beat beat!

So I'm getting made fun of for my cooking. Tom says everything I cook looks the same, and Rachel teases me about always taking photos of it. But that's OK… Anyway, because I liked my previous avocado sandwich so much I decided to make another slightly different one:

There's a layer of sliced avocado, then a layer of roasted zucchini with a light brown sugar and garlic sauce, and on top of that are beets, which also make up the side salad. The beets are cooked in a tangy balsamic Dijon dressing (simple: vinegar, dijon mustard, and a little sugar). It turned out pretty well but I was impatient and probably didn't cook the beets quite long enough so I hope it doesn't give me a stomach ache. I have a few more beets left over so I think I may make borscht for supper.

Oh, and (after a bit of faxing confirmations to ensure that I'm not a credit fraud artist) I ordered the car part in the previous entry. They say it'll ship in two or three days, so hopefully next week I'll be out driving it finally! I really, really can't wait…

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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