Next: Post an experience udpate

I still have to do some “real” work today — an experience update and some interview stuff, but because my nephew Milo is my broken-limb buddy right now, I thought I'd make him a little get well card. He tells me that he's going to have to wear his cast for “more than ten days!”… I hate wearing a cast — the longest I've ever had one on is a day, after which I cut it off and largely just ignored the break. Probably not the best idea, but like I said, I hate casts.

Next: A get well card for a broken arm

I'm really thrilled with how the latest interview on BME (about cervix piercing and post-gender issues) turned out. I think it's one of the most interesting and worthwhile pieces that I've put up in a long time. I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't already. I have a few dozen more interviews like that completed, but I'm not sure that I can print them for a variety of legal reasons that I shouldn't discuss here. I'd really like to make them available, but we'll see what I can work out…

I just mailed a thank you card to my nurses at the hospital because they really did make a very unpleasant experience hugely easier to get through and it was important to me that they knew that they made a difference… Outside of everything else, they went out of their way to advocate for painkillers for me, which was hugely appreciated because I've been in so much pain over the past months that I really was afraid I couldn't handle any more. Luckily I'm doing really well and am already well on my way to being totally weened off the painkillers, but even though the pills may not be needed, the effort of them getting them for me in some ways helped more than the pills themselves.

That lizard stinks

I think I mentioned a little while ago that I got a new scanner because my old one stopped being able to see most colors with any real depth. I found a price discounted HP G4010, which is a nice 96-bit 6-colour scanner that seems to do an alright job. I don't like the way this page turned out but it was an acceptable test of the scanner (I'm going to print the kids book in a 4″x4″ format I think, about 48 pages).

He needs to be redrawn with a lot more lice — I was thinking something that almost looks like one of those “beards of bees” or something… I haven't drawn in a little while so I have to get back in the vibe of it.

Anyway, I'm going to try going for a walk now (seriously, I am shocked at how well I'm healing so far — but I think the biggest thing that's helping is just powering through everything), and there'll be another nice big BME update posted this afternoon, the experience engine DNS issues are solved so I'll queue that for tomorrow, and I'll have an old interview up today as well I hope.

Off to climb Mt. Sinai

Well, I'm outta here! I may be able to log on in the hospital but there's a good chance that I won't be able to, and I won't have my phone with me either (and I'm a cheap bastard that stays in a group ward with no phone — although really, I prefer the company to a private room anyway). With luck and forceful “let me go” demands I'll be released on Thursday, but it could be as late as Saturday even in a best case scenario. I'll try and take pictures of the surgery if they allow me to stay conscious (I really want to watch, and experiencing getting my bones cut apart should be “interesting”).

Anyway, here's the ad I'm running in Orbax's latest… I'm going to go get my sketchbook and a few markers, a bathrobe and a toothbrush, pull a few books to read, and keep my fingers crossed that while I'm gone the belt for my woodcarver comes, and the hot water gets turned back on…

Oh, and if something terrible happens (which is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY), all rights to any BME properties that I own obviously go to Rachel who I trust to continue running them properly and with respect to the community that created BME, my library of books go to my friend Saira, and I would appreciate it if my paintings are split among my friends as they see fit. The rest of my stuff is not particularly interesting. My ashes should be spread between the farm I grew up on and in Lake Ontario.

Nice F'ing Timing

So I come home from picking up some groceries so I'll have food when I get home from surgery this weekend, and I see there's a dude messing around with my gas meter… I'm like, “what are you doing”, and he replies that he's disconnecting my gas, which of course means no hot water…

I tell him my bill is 100% up to date and this has to be some mix up, and that I'm going in for surgery in the morning so it's extremely important that this not happen. He tells me that he doesn't have any choice, but that if my bill is paid up, they'll reconnect me this afternoon so I shouldn't worry about it. So he turns off the gas and leaves.

I call up the gas company's collections service, and they confirm that my bill not only has no past due amount, but that it actually has a zero balance (because one of the things I do before surgery is make sure that everything is totally paid), and that this is an administrative error, either due to my bank or due to them. Either way, they show my account as totally paid up and owing nothing. However, they don't have any appointments left today, nor do they have any tomorrow morning, so they can't reconnect my hot water before my surgery.

So not only do I have to find somewhere else to crash tonight so I can have a shower before surgery (so I won't be reachable by either computer or phone), but Phil also won't be able to work tomorrow afternoon on BME stuff because I need him to stay here to wait for their reconnect people because they have to have someone here, otherwise I have no hot water when I get home from the hospital… Very, very irritating… Real nice…