I think I mentioned a little while ago that I got a new scanner because my old one stopped being able to see most colors with any real depth. I found a price discounted HP G4010, which is a nice 96-bit 6-colour scanner that seems to do an alright job. I don't like the way this page turned out but it was an acceptable test of the scanner (I'm going to print the kids book in a 4″x4″ format I think, about 48 pages).

Anyway, I'm going to try going for a walk now (seriously, I am shocked at how well I'm healing so far — but I think the biggest thing that's helping is just powering through everything), and there'll be another nice big BME update posted this afternoon, the experience engine DNS issues are solved so I'll queue that for tomorrow, and I'll have an old interview up today as well I hope.
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