Seafood Dishes

Today and yesterday were both seafood dinners. Yesterday I got a cheap tray of salmon remainders (like where it's all chopped up strips — really cheap). It was really basic — just a stir fry with mixed veggies, the fish, udon noodles, and all put together in a Thai green curry sauce (yeah, from a jar, but it was really good). Nothing too it.

That dish was fairly heavy, so tonight I decided to cook something really light, and make it totally from scratch as well — and with the condition that I use an avocado in the dish, because today was the last day it was going to be nice and solid. In the photo on the right you can see everything I used.

I started by stir-frying some red pepper and red onion in macadamia nut oil, fresh garlic, and dill, with half a lime's juice, and some seaweed and sea salt (no other spices). After I think about five minutes I tossed in the shrimp, and then a few minutes later the udon noodles (which I'd done the two minute pre-cook on while doing the stir-fry). A moment later I added the rest of the dill, some green onion, and the other half of the lime's juice. Finally, I added the chopped avocado, cooked that for about thirty seconds, and took it off the heat.

It sat for a few minutes, and was served with a very light drizzle of lime. I'm really happy with how it turned out. I wasn't sure if the avocado would fly or not (I was pretty sure about the dill and lime, but that's basic) — it totally did. Success! Yay!

Stretched Lobes on Beverley Hills 90210, circa '93

I'm always interested when people in the mainstream are first exposed to body piercing… in part because it reflects the popularity of the lifestyle, and in part because when body modification cracks into the mainstream a lot of people who wouldn't have otherwise have a “eureka! that's for me!” type moment and decide they want to do it as well.

Anyway, I was watching Beverly Hills 90210, Episode 4.03 (“Little Fish” if you want to find it on YouTube or something — 2:58 in that clip by the way, not that the quality is very good) yesterday — yeah, laugh it up — and at the start of the episode, where they're in line signing up for classes at university, there's a guy that appears to have on lobe stretched to about 3/4″, as well as a labret piercing. This episode first aired September 22nd, 1993.

That predates the opening of nearly every piercing studio currently in existence. If it's not just a trick of lighting or something (I'm sure the labret is real, but am 50/50 on the lobe stretching), it's an incredibly early body piercing exposure in the mainstream media.

Can anyone confirm this or get me a higher quality shot for the BME encyclopedia? Or maybe even I'll get lucky and someone knows who this is so I can find out if the piercings are real, fake, or imagined? And is this the earliest TV body piercing reference in truly mainstream pop culture? It's got to be close… The earliest movie I can think of is Silence of the Lambs (1991).

(Original forum unavailable, sorry)*

ROM disappointments… not really

Nefarious and I went to the ROM (museum) this morning. I'd heard the dinosaur exhibit (as well as the crystal) was open so I told her we could go check it out — unfortunately when I got there I overheard something that sounded a lot like “we're sorry, the dinosaur exhibit is closed” so when we got to the desk I asked the same question the previous guy had… And yes, it was still closed.

The good news was that first it got us (well, half of us — the smaller half) free admittance, and also, they told us we could go up to the “under construction” wing where they were setting up the exhibit and look at the T-Rex which was already out, and watch them uncrating and setting up the rest. But mostly the time was spent in the kids areas, the Egyptian part (all the burial stuff generates the most questions), and of course running through the bat cave.

Hopefully on Friday some friends are coming up to Toronto to visit and we'll go to the Science Centre or the CNE (and if not, I'll do that another day because it's always fun). Anyway, after the ROM we went on a super long walk — probably put another ten km on my well healed leg — and had some vegetarian food for lunch… It's healed well enough that I managed to sprain it a few days ago while running around! I was temporarily worried, but that's all better now. As soon as school starts I'll be back at the gym.

Latest Carving Project

I made a box today; my first “real” one that was intended to be kept rather than just a throw-away test piece. It was a three piece carving — a lid with a carving on the top (a polynesian pattern with a Dr. BME raised in the middle), a bottom panel with a raised skull, and a riser because the board was quite thin.

The skull and Dr. BME designs were essentially two dimensional so they didn't look the greatest, so I re-carved them by hand with a Dremel, which greatly improved them. The recessed edge on the bottom of the lid (to make it sit in place) was carved with a Dremel and then cleaned up with a file (which a wise person once told me was “the poor man's milling machine”).

I glued it together (which you can see happening in the background above), sanded it all so everything fit nicely and it was smooth, and stained it (three colors; the skull and Dr. BME are lighter than the box itself which is sesame colored), and put some rubber feet on it. The picture isn't really very accurate in terms of color but you get the idea.

It's far from perfect but I think it turned out fairly well for a first attempt. It really does look nicer in person, but here's a shot of the final piece.

I probably got a bit lazy and should have done a touch more filing and sanding, but now that I've done this, I have lots of other ideas… I really need to do picture frames because that's why I got it in the first place, but little things like this are a lot of fun so who knows what I'll make next…

Tomorrow I'm thinking about going to the ROM because they've re-opened the dinosaur exhibit…

Toilet Paper Tube Dragon

PS. Watch BME/ModBlog for a fun new article later today.