Nefarious and I went to the ROM (museum) this morning. I'd heard the dinosaur exhibit (as well as the crystal) was open so I told her we could go check it out — unfortunately when I got there I overheard something that sounded a lot like “we're sorry, the dinosaur exhibit is closed” so when we got to the desk I asked the same question the previous guy had… And yes, it was still closed.
The good news was that first it got us (well, half of us — the smaller half) free admittance, and also, they told us we could go up to the “under construction” wing where they were setting up the exhibit and look at the T-Rex which was already out, and watch them uncrating and setting up the rest. But mostly the time was spent in the kids areas, the Egyptian part (all the burial stuff generates the most questions), and of course running through the bat cave.

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