Shotcrete Fun

I watched Radiant City (reviews) last night… It's sort of a surreal comedy “documentary” about the desolation of suburbia… I definitely recommend it. Tonight I'm going to watch Let's All Hate Toronto (on loan from Phil)… I love Toronto, so I wonder if I will laugh, or scream at my TV?

I've started work on a new collection of interviews, maybe for a book, maybe for a new site — maybe both… They're on homesteading, alternate construction, and so on — today I sent off an interview to Al Schwarz from “Robot Ranch” (because he has lots of robotic lawnmowers) who has a pretty neat site documenting the construction of his monolithic dome house. Hopefully he's into it.

Tomorrow I'm going to go visit my brother's homestead that's he's in the process of clearing and slowly preparing for construction… He's not sure yet what to build — maybe he'll feel like splitting on a shotcrete pump, haha… I sure could make some cool stuff if I had one of those!

So Dirty…

Since it's getting picked up later this week — :( — I decided to jack up the Laser 917 this morning (after getting the latest Lizardman Q&A online finally) and de-seize the front tire which turned out to be really easy… I have to cut off the sway bar that got mangled on the last tow as well, but the good news is that this means that the new owners won't have too much trouble pushing it around by hand.

I was going to take the train tomorrow but I'm debating going and getting my other car out of storage and driving for the first time in ages (have to debate the cost-effort-risk balance)… Haven't written about it much and don't intend to, but I've been in a lot of pain over the last week so I don't know if I want to commit to a long drive — we'll see how I feel in the morning I guess.

Anyway, I'm covered in dirt (and I don't want to think about what else) from crawling around in that dirty car and on the floor of the garage. Time for a shower.

Don't Tase Me Bro!

Ok, it's right off the cover of Digg, but still…

Better than expected

Well, the move seems to have gone quite well. We never did figure out the encoding issue — for some reason we just couldn't cause the IAM software to spawn the mime64 encoder — but I replaced the spawned utility with an internal base64 encoding function written in pure assembly that's ultra fast and efficient and it seems to be working nicely.

Anyway, here is how I was expecting the move would go…

Luckily things went better.

Nefarious is visiting her cousins and grandmother and great grandmother for the next couple days so I have the night off… Woo-woo for being able to sleep in!!!

First Post

This blog will document the journey toward a new and better life and related and not-so-related thoughts… A place to record adventures in homesteading, as well as various creations along the way. The pictures from this entry are from the wondeful and inspiring (and unfortunately out of print) 1971 classic, The Ex-Urbanite’s Complete & Illustrated Easy Does-It First Time Farmer’s Guide: A Useful Book by William Kaysing, which I’ll post a full review of in the future.

