Been having a great weekend so far. Nefarious had a sleep over with a friend on Friday night, so Caitlin and I were able to have one of our rare date nights, and went and saw Terminator Salvation… I’m a huge fan of the Terminator franchise and especially of the TV show, and I hate to say it, but the movie was a massive let down and I wouldn’t recommend it — it’s really a “dumb” movie and not in a fun way. Worst of the Terminator movies by far, and up against The Sarah Connor Chronicles — a very smart show — it really blows. Nonetheless, it is always a pleasure going out.
Then today we ate sushi on the beach and played with the boat — as I’ve already blogged at length — and when we got back home I finally took Nefarious up on the roof as I’ve been promising her for a while. I love having roof access, even if it involves an unfinished surface, a trip-inducing maze of stolen cable TV wires, and a treacherous (for someone as wide as me anyway) climb up through a skylight, which today tore a hole in the ass of my favourite shorts. Not that this will stop me from wearing them… There’s something serene about roofs. Then Nefarious went and watched some more martial arts training, and another friend came over to hang out for the rest of the day and lasagna.
I have high hopes for tomorrow as well, but now UFC 98 has my attention.
You’re likely bored of it by now, but Caitlin took these pictures of Nefarious and I testing out the flotation qualities of the Minimax… I like the photo of Nefarious’s little boat in our boat, and also the pictures of us taking turns paddling. It was also a lot of fun pushing her out into the water and letting her paddle back to shore. I realize this is getting repetitive, but I can’t wait until the engine is installed. I’ve already got boat #2 designed, and I’ve done everything from the point of view of someone with no construction experience (simple shapes, limited tools required, uniformity of fasteners, etc.), so I’ll be posting plans and instructions which I hope will be quite useful.
We headed down to Cherry Beach today and put the boat in the water to see if it floats… success! Everything went well, and my roof rack worked nicely also. So next it’s time to pick up an engine and really start having fun. It’s amazing by the way how many people come up and ask me, “is that a Sea Flea?” Everyone seems to have a memory or a story from their youth about them.

I painted Nefarious’s toy boat for her with glitter paint sides…
The roof rack is built, and the boat is loaded onto it, a task which I did all on my own — it’s really a very light vessel. Tomorrow I’ll drive it down to the beach and give it a floatation test, and then if that goes alright, I’ll add an engine! And now on to the least pleasant part of my day — dealing with the too large pile of dishes that I’ve allowed to accumulate.