So yesterday morning when I was leaving for the hospital I saw that there was an injured bird in the driveway (I actually had to spend some extra time getting the truck out to stop from running him over). He was doing a choatic hop-about and obviously couldn’t fly, but I was rushed so I texted Caitlin to go save him. She couldn’t find him, but I managed to track him down and bring him in when I got back. He has a broken wing and a badly broken leg. We have racoons, possums, rats, and a number of feral cats that live around our building, so he’s lucky to have even survived the morning. There’s no way he’d survive the night outside, so we set out on what I hope is not a fool’s errand trying to nurse him back to health. I do wish Nefarious was here to help, she would love this.
Right now we’ve built him a makeshift safehouse here in the studio out of a giant box, and have been giving him water and lots of food that he’s seeming to eat in decent quantity. And shooting out the other end as well, which I take as a good sign for his survivability. On the other hand, he can’t really stand up and sort of just rolls around so he’s very pathetic and sad looking at the moment. We weren’t sure if he was even going to make it through the first night here but he does seem to be doing a little better. Fingers crossed for him. As soon as he seems well enough to fly he’s back out into the wild. Maybe we’ve given him a chance. I’m guessing that he smucked a window and was stunned and then maybe got clipped by a passing car or something. It doesn’t look like he was attacked.
I wonder if he has bird friends who are wondering where he is…
Other than that, yes, I did make it out to the post office with a small mountain of skull rings and goodies to mail. I’ll try and update the shop tomorrow with cool new stuff as well. I made a set of new molds for the “women’s” size skull rings (sizes 6 through 9) but I made an error and they are deformed so I have to remake them tomorrow. But I might put the two funny quasimodos up anyway. I’m going to set the eyes and see how they look first. I felt a bit bad at the post office because some people who were there to just send single things had to wait for half an hour as all my stuff was processed. I’d have let them go in front, but this post office is small and only has one computer so they couldn’t (as far as I know) pause my processing. Still, I didn’t deserve their dirty looks in my opinion!