Tuesday, December 9, 2008
For the Christmas rush (and to make some space here), I have five paintings that I’m clearing out for the slim price $150 (each) which includes shipping. This is far less than I normally sell paintings for! They should make it anywhere in the world by Christmas. I accept PayPal (snowrail@gmail.com). First come, first serve. The following paintings are available:
A Galvanized Corpse
Diving For Percocets
The Cure Of Folly
The Opium Den
Yes, that means I finished off A Galvanized Corpse today. It’s not the greatest picture of it (it definitely looks much better in real life), but you can click through to see it at top resolution:

Speaking of helping you with things to give for Christmas, and helping me afford Christmas, I just got the hardcopy version of my interview book. It’s really beautiful and the quality is great. Seeing it as a 460 page hardcover is really nice and inspires me to keep working on projects… I think of the things that give me joy in life, the “process of creation” is definitely high on that list. I love going from idea to product and seeing something once only imagined become real.

Had fun skating with Nefarious and her friend, but I think tomorrow we’ll go on our own so we can go a lot faster. Her friend was just learning, so I think Nefarious felt a little neglected because I had to focus most of my attention on keeping her friend going and growing.

They got to watch the Zamboni before we left…

PS. Check out yesterday’s doodle.
Other than that, I had a nice coffee with an old friend, then got a phone call from another old friend about a new body modification TV show that I might take some involvement with, and finally I bumped into another long-time-no-see friend across the street where he was visiting someone before moving out to Victoria. The mostly unexpected trifecta of friends or something.
In the progression of my leg, I noticed the latest disgusting step last night and confirmed it again today… The skin has become like “plasticine”, and can be deformed as such. If I press on it with my finger, it sinks in and just stays there as a depression about 1/4″ deep. Totally revolting. There’s a real sense of nausea and “empty disgust” associated with a lot of what’s going on.
And a quick update on that “A Galvanized Corpse” painting that I knocked out… As you can see I changed the sky and a few other things. Other people seem to like this one more than I do. Anyway, I’m having trouble keeping my eyes open… Time to watch The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Heroes, drink a jug of Tang, and crash out for the day.

Today is going to be a great day. There’s a beautiful fluffy snowfall that will give us more than enough snow for sledding, and after school I’m picking up Nefarious and a friend of hers and we’re all going to go skating at the Natrel rink down on the waterfront. I’m so ecstatic that the winter season seems to have finally started up for real. I also got delicious new cereal and am having coffee with an old friend this afternoon, so an all-in-all ace day.
I’ll wrap this painting below up soon (I am going to paint a new, lighter sky done and then some), and I think I’m going to take a break from this sort of painting and do a self-portrait next. Oh, and since people have asked about my paintings on shirts, I wanted to mention that on the gallery page everything is available at high resolution, and they’re released under a Creative Commons license which permits you to make shirts and so on (for example at Zazzle or CafePress).

I wasn’t sold on the original design, so I redid the shirt for the Peanut or Duck site…

My painting has most of its undercoat done. It has a long way to go:

Nefarious’s project is much nicer: